



Like many things they do, the LTTE are masters at deception. One can argue the LTTE think tanks are smarter than the GOSL on this front. LTTE is masters of deception, distortion, murder, mayhem, forgery and best of all; covering all these with a Face of Innocence and Appearance as the Victim of the Sinhalese.

But slowly but surely in the last year or so the GOSL has been making progress in the propaganda battle in the international arena. The true face and the nature of the LTTE was beginning to be visible to even those who truly believed LTTE was waging a just war. In USA, UK, Canada and Australia clandestine LTTE front organizations who were raising (or extorting) funds were being brought out to the open and being prosecuted specially in the USA. These are all successes as far as the GOSL is concerned and rightly so. Despite heavy assault in the North and the East the protests by the West were relatively low level as the GOSL media machine was doing a decent enough job to justify the attacks and the casualties.

Then suddenly from nowhere somebody in the GOSL made a fat blunder big enough to reverse all the goodwill bridges built so far. Somebody very smart (or stupid) decided to raid, arrest and repack to the North any Tamil who has no "good enough" reason to be in Colombo. When Ranil compared this the cleansing done by the Nazis of the Jews he was not actually too far off the target. There was actually a resemblance. In today's world one CANNOT simply cleanse a city of an ethnic group no matter what. Don't the leaders of the GOSL read any history books? Oh I forgot..! Some GOSL leaders are 5th graders who happen to be our leaders too.

So now what ?... Yes, the public apology by the President and the PM were the right thing to do. But what about the human catastrophe brought about to the thousands of harmless Tamils (I am sure some were LTTE ers too) with families and Kids and there whatever lifelong belongings.

GOSL must do the next right thing if we are to reverse the lost goodwill. Bring to justice the big guns, whoever they were, to stand trial in a court of law. If what they did was lawful so be it. But that need be decided by the Courts. This will go a long way to rebuild the broken propaganda bridges.

Finally who was the undisputed winner of this big fat blunder? The LTTE supremo Prbhakaran of course. He was waiting for something to happen to justify his madness and the GOSL gave it to him on a platter...! Now he has reason to continue wage war against the oppressor - The Sinhalese.

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