


MEDIA RELEASE Gamini Sarath Godakanda

Right to information is a fundamental right guaranteed in the international human rights law. This means that the general public should have access to information normally held by public authorities. In this highly technological era, right to information is vital than in any other period. If general public have sound access to information, it clearly displays the level of human rights in a society. In reality, governments are more restrictive in releasing information to the general public. Successive governments in Sri Lanka have failed to introduce and implement the right to information legislation to the general public. The above views were highlighted at the 05th Sanvada/community meeting organized by the Pathfinder Foundation held recently at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute.

The objective of this meeting was to discuss the proposed Freedom of Information Bill which has been considered by various Governments in the past without being presented to the Parliament for debate.

The panel of this Sanvada consisted of Mr . Rohan Edrisinha, the Executive Director of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, Dr . Rohan Samarajiva, the Executive Director of LIRNE Asia and Mr. B. Muralidhar Reddy, Special Correspondent, the Hindu.

According to the Moderator, Dr. Rohan Samarajiva, such a Sanvada is timely, considering the need of the civil society to see the presentation of the proposed bill in Parliament for discussion and passing, understanding their right to gain information affecting their lives. The first step towards discussion in Parliament is analyzing and reviewing the current government structure as regards supply of information and making recommendations for reforming the age-old secrecy laws and similar regulations governing public officials and institution. It is evident that there is great reluctance on the part of the government to release information pertinent to civil society. He further emphasized that such an important piece of legislation such as "Freedom of Information bill" should be formulated in a transparent, just, consultative and participatory manner.

Mr. Rohan Edrisinha, the main speaker, stated that enactment of the Freedom of Information Bill by any government will strengthen the democracy and ensure good governance in Sri Lanka. The process of formulating legislations should be done in a participatory manner, particularly with the civil society involvement. Unfortunately this has not been the practice in Sri Lanka since independence. If at all, according to the panelists, there is a culture of authority, supremacy and secrecy among those who hold high positions in governments. With the implementation of Freedom of Information legislation, which permit the public to obtain government information existing culture will change to one of justification and transparency.

In the Sri Lankan Constitution, the provisions dealing with the release of official information is drafted in such a way so as to protect the interests of the government and not civil society. In his closing remarks, Mr. Edirisinghe stated that a reasonably acceptable draft of the Freedom of Information Bill is available for the government and other stakeholders to take up for debate in Parliament.

Mr. B. Muralidhar Reddy, Special Correspondent, the Hindu, commented that that the Freedom of Information Bill passed in India is a remarkable piece of legislation, which has paved the way for positives changes in right to information to the general public. He cited that the Indian provincial authorities have been prevented implementing World Bank supported Water sector reforms. However Mr. Reddy explained how the Indian central government has used the certain provisions of the Freedom of Information Act to prevent accessing information in the pretext of "national security."

As a part of the Sanvada program, the Pathfinder Foundation is planning to release briefing notes/newsletters on specific economic legislations analyzing the cost and benefits. These newsletters will be circulated among parliamentarians, policy makers, trade unions and the industry chambers.

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