

A request to President Rajapaksha;

Shripal Nishshanka (Middle Bond)

Mister President, now four years have been passed since the sudden and mysterious death of Ven. Gangodawila Soma and it is yet another mystery why the law enforcement bodies in Sri Lanka are silent over this mysterious death.

Mr. President, it is a well known fact that late Ven. Soma's nation wide campaign to protect the Buddhism also immensely helped you in your victory in 2005. It is not just a political requirement that a fair investigation in to the cause of Ven. Soma's death needed to be carried out but also a national responsibility. A full and thorough investigation shall be carried out and the culprits should be given the appropriate punishment.

Apparently Shanthi Jayasekare and his brother Sisira Jayasekare have got blood in their hands in this murder.

Are we afraid of some body or some country to be selfishly silent on this case? It is very disappointing that you and your government failed to commemorate the late monk on this fourth anniversary. It is a moral duty of a leader like you and your delegates to mark the day of passing away of Ven. Soma.

There are numerous facts and evidence that can be found by law enforcement officers to determine the cause of death and we are eagerly waiting for your action, Mr. President.

Your current trips abroad and billions of Sri Lankan Rupees you receive from those countries as aids shall be wisely invested in the country without thinking to expand the world largest jumbo cabinet anymore.

Whether the budget is passed or not, please liberate Wanni and other places at the earliest. Ranil and his dirty club members are waiting to see a chance to sell the country to Wanni murderers starting from the east which was liberated. The recent history has taught that a mild neutral period of rest our brave security forces had been grabbed by the Wanni murderers to their advantage. So let the unfinished task be carried out without any delay.

Also let all of us know what happened to Most Ven. Soma without any delay. Let the whole world know who the culprits are.

May you have all the courage and protection to serve the country as a true and honest leader.

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