


By Walter Jayawardhana

The case of Rizana Nafeek the Sri Lankan maid convicted to be beheaded for the death of an infant she was looking after while bottle feeding in Saudi Arabia has now being taken up by an independent human rights commission in Saudi Arabia .

“This gives much hope in saving the teenager since they would be in a position to end all litigation and bring forth a pardon for her from the family,” said Basil Fernando , the Executive Director of the Hong Kong based Asian Human Rights Commission.

In other developments , the Sri Lankan Ambassador in Riyadh , A.M.J.Sadiq has had discussions on Rizana Nafeek with the Acting Minister of Interior Affairs of Saudi Arabia Prince Ahamed Bin Azees.

In an interview with the Sinhala service of the BBC Basil Fernando , who was also instrumental in collecting the legal fees for the girl from philanthropists to hire a Saudi Arabian lawyer to file an appeal said, as he understood the commission which is empowered to advise the king on related matters is of the opinion that the Rizana Nafeek’s death sentence was a mistake.

Basil Fernando said the Commission will also be able to negotiate this matter with the infant’s family as the prerogative power in ending all the litigation in this case rested with them.

He said under Arabic law the ultimate power to say they were pardoning the girl and thereby releasing the girl rests with the family in which the death occurred.

He said no other case in the history aroused so much interest around the globe protesting about the verdict of the court.

Fernando said one group alone , has been able to send 27,000 emails protesting about the sentence and requesting the Saudi authorities to acquit her.

Basil Fernando said that the Sri Lanka government is in the wrongful opinion that they cannot intervene in the judicial proceedings in another country. But he said Sri Lanka is a signatory to the Vienna Convention of Consular Relations and under that it gives the right to the country to represent its citizens in the foreign courts of law. Fernando was commenting on the four other Sri Lankan citizens including a woman who are waiting in the death row to be beheaded in Saudi Arabia. He said that the country should seriously think of an insurance scheme to hire lawyers to represent its citizens when they are accused of crimes in the Saudi Arabian courts. None of those people who are sentenced to be beheaded had no legal representation at the initial stages of the cases, Fernando said.

Rizana Nafeek , then a 17 year old school girl studying in Sapi Nagar School near the port city of Trincomalee left school with high ambitions of building a decent house for the family to replace the mud hut they were living in and educating the other siblings well. Her wood cutter father and the family was living in abject poverty. She went abroad to be a house maid but in addition to the work she was also entrusted of looking after the baby in which she was utterly inexperienced. Human Rights organizations think the baby died of choking milk because of her inexperience.

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