

Lalkantha takes JVP away from the people, into dark alleyways of political doom.

By Charles S. Perera

Rauff Hakeem's changing political sides is not a surprise. He is one of the most undependable political partners. He is rather a political leech, that sucks blood from one political leader, and then another without being of any use to himself or others. He once did exactly what he has done today, when he was with a PA government under Chandrika Kumaratunga, when it had just chased away the LTTE terrorists to the jungle, helping the UNP to come back into power and give a new lease of life to LTTE terrorits. He and Thondaman take themselves to be the "KING"makers.

Thondaman of CWC too falls into the same category, if he were to crossover to the opposition that too would not be a surprise. A surprise coming from them would be to see them sticking together when their temporary partner needs help, following some sort of a principle..

Ranil Wickramsinghe, is an unfortunate politician who should not have been a political leader. He behaves like a market place magician who talks crap in between his acts to keep the crowds happy. Ranil would never make a good President. If by some chance he becomes one, he will only be a puppet of the political manipulators of the West.

The worst political howler that has arrived in the political scene in recent times because of the electoral system is Lalkantha. He is not a credit to any political party with a socialist leaning. He could be compared to some of the UNP howlers like Kiriella. Lalkantha wants to keep his political presence felt by barking out words of hatred, which have no meaning. To say that the President Rajapakse is the worst of all the previous presidents, is another way of licking Ranil Wickramasinghe's boots. Neither, Hakeem, Ranil, nor Lalkantha could hamper the progressive path taken by the President Mahinda Rajapakse.

Mahinda Rajapakse has deviated from the trodden paths taken by the previous Presidents. That is the difference. Lalkantha, seems to look at things from the wrong angle, and his view has narrowed down to very low levels, from where he is unable to see the vast progress the President Rajapakse has made in bringing Sri Lanka to the international political scene.

The Buddha once told Brahmin Aggikabharadvaj, that. "If a person,

is easily prone to anger.
has long standing hatred, enmity and grudge,
is an evil ungrateful and unwholesome person,
having faith in unwholesome vision or distorted Dhamma.,
is deceitful and cunning,
Such person should be known as an outcast.

In that sense Lalkantha is an outcast, as well as Ranil, Rakheem and the rest.

Lalkantha is but an ignoramus, a simpleton to have said of the President Mahinda Rajapakse that he is the worst of all the past Presidents. Even the budget for 2008 much criticised by the JVP has provisions to make the financial burden of the people less acute, by bringing down the cost of milk, gaz, petrol, and more, despite making a large allocation for defence-which is the primary intention of the budget. He had increased the salaries of the government servants, and called for an increase of the salaries of the state workers.

The President unlike the previous presidents, has been able to get people of different political hues to work together in coherent unity in his cabinet. He has shown his leadership ability in giving the Ministers of his cabinet complete responsibility without interfering into their work.

He has not taken any drastic steps against his enemies and has not attempted to muscle his critics, and eliminate his opponents, as it had been the case under previous Presidents(except Chandrika K). He loves his countrymen without discriminating them for their communal appurtenance, religious beliefs, or social position.

He has won the respect of the political leaders of the International Community, not because of his servility, or accepting their dictates but being what he is, and being able to take independent decisions without fear or fervour. He had made friendly contact with Iran, without for that matter antagonising, those who opposed it. He had been able to show polite indifference to his worst critics from the west, without neither condemning them nor praising them.

He is a rare sort of a political leader to arise from the developing countries, and definitely out strips all the Political Leaders of Sri Lanka we have had in the past. For all that he is modest, accessible, and generous. He has shown that he does not harbour hatred, or jealousy, nor keeps distance from people through pride, or position.

This is the man, that Lalkantha in his foolishness, treats with contempt. Perhaps Lalkantha takes himself to be a possible Leader of JVP, because he is able to command a few Trade Unions to stage strikes on any flimsy issue.

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