

JVP Saved Itself from Throwing a Lifeline to The Retreating Tigers in Wanni: Ranil Lands Again in the Losing Column

By Philip Fernando in Los Angeles (The writer if the former Deputy Editor of the Sunday Observer)

Tell me your friends and we will know who you are. JVP’s farcical voting behavior changed and they did not go with Ranil Wickremesinghe, TNA backroom boys and Rauf Hakeem, the strange bedfellows of Sri Lankan politics. Anura too wanted to join the dissenting crew but refrained from voting at the last minute at the Third Reading of the budget and Rajapaksa government won the day 114-67. JVP was pushed into a corner due to its anti-war stance and by being supportive of UNP's proliferation of attempts to topple the government in the midst of a popular military drive against the LTTE. The usually cool and composed Somawansa Amarasinghe was caught napping, running short of options, said a government source. But better sense prevailed due to the pervasive national sentiment that prevailed in Sri Lanka,

The quick power grab put into top gear by the UNP went counter to what JVP had stood for: a transparent and pragmatic approach to politics not imitative of stunts like jana raliyas and Sunday pola meetings galvanized by the UNP. By at least abstaining from voting against the budget, JVP avoided being labeled anti-nationalistic and stuck to its position on issues like cost of living and corruption. The lifeline they were about to throw to the treating Tigers was averted.

An anti-government vote would have put them in the same sorry plight as the doomsday forecasters led by Ranil Wickremesinghe struggling with dire shortages of options having relied on imaginary mass crossovers from the government side and reversals in the war against LTTE. Even the finger pointing provide by Ranil alleging blame for the burnt Leader press to fault the government did not bring any solace.

Defining the purpose of its existence becomes crucial for the Opposition and relying on Ranil to lead the way would be disastrous for the JVP.

Government has its work cut out now and has to work on the issues of cost of living seriously. So far, Mahinda Rajapaksa's demonstrable military prowess against a ruthless terrorist has trumped attempts to vilify him.

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