

The Budget's Approval A Moral Victory For The Rajapaksha Administration And The Nation With Thanks To The JVP And Others In Support.

© Insight By Sunil Kumara for LankaWeb` Dec.14th 2007

As the saying goes "He laughs best who laugh's last" albeit the last laugh is by no means in the vicinity towards Sri Lankan Posterity just yet. A few laughs need to be had however at the expense of the likes of Lal Kantha, Anura Bandaranaike, Rauf Hakeem and Arumugam Thondaman whose collective efforts to bring down the Government via the misguided directions of the Leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickremasinghe ably backed by the LTTE it is rumoured, has failed miserably as well as statistically.(114 for 67 against)

In Colombo Sri Lanka, the President's ruling party in Sri Lanka on Friday 14th Dec.2007 survived a crucial budget vote in Parliament despite attempts by the main opposition to influence parliamentarians to vote against the Budget's 3rd Reading which could have projected fresh elections had it been defeated and a moral victory for the Ruling Party has ensued.

They do have the commonsense of the JVP also to thank whose membership abstained from voting ( perhaps with the exception of Mr Kantha!) in order to prevent their own loss of face as it seems, as had they reneged on their previous stance of voting with the Government it would certainly have tarnished their image as a worse case scenario but the lackey mentality of some such as Rauf Hakeem, Arumugam Thondaman and Anura Bandaranaike need to be highlighted here as they have once again revealed their true colours of being not only opportunists but a bunch of unreliables in whom the Government should never pin their faith ever in the future.

This is a testing time for the Administration perhaps to draw up a roster of all the Parliamentary deserters especially the likes of Anura Bandaranaike who it has to be remembered came begging in tears to the President who took sympathy on him to reinstate him having fired him from his cabinet post previously!

It appears that in addition to commonsense, true loyalties and patriotism has prevailed in the best interests of the Nation despite the circumspect outcome anticipated as well as the bragging of some of the opposition big mouths to which Lal Kantha of the JVP seemingly a renegade and a traitor in every respect added the icing on the cake and now needs to eat a bit of crow! At the final count on the 3rd reading of the budget vote on Friday evening in the 225- seat parliament, 114 members voted in favour of the budget and 67 voted against while 38 abstained and six more were absent. The speaker was not called upon to vote as there was no tie.

The success of the Budget vote augurs well for the Nation in terms of the carte blanche it provides for the continued elimination of the LTTE terrorists as the Government has suceeded in obtaining the budget's approval with a convincing majority with those in the truest sense loyal to the country behind it.

The government had previously declared that any attempt to defeat the budget would mean that the current military operations against Tamil rebels of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) will be interrupted and has surely played a role in the mindset of those who abstained and the Administration must feel a sense of smug satisfation that despite the differences as well as disagreements they do know who their real friends are.

This of course spells further apprehension and doom for the terrorists as well as the motley crew of the Wickremasinghe bandwagon as their futures are not only uncertain but it is indicative of the mood of the country which might well have projected itself in Parliament somewhat inadvertently but the reality has to be acknowledged~ that the Nation is indeed supportive of the concept of eliminating the terrorists completely and there should be no hesitations or prevarications towards the task despite the rhetoric from all the unacceptable sources which might even extend to the recent observations of UK Ambassador Chilcott who should take note of what has happened towards muffling his personal rhetoric which sounded LTTE friendly although he has been quick to deny it.

All in all the success of the budget vote is indicative of Governmental support from all the right quarters where a sense of victory seemed to prevail throughout the Nation and bears testimony to the reality that this Administration has done well for itself although the road ahead is by no means a smooth one but the rigours of coasting it comfortably could be made that much easier if there is overwhelming support for the direction of the Rajapaksha Administration where all other shortcomings the Nation has faced will be augmented towards success and a better Sri Lanka.
This victory needs to be felcitated by the entire Sinhala Nation on a congratulatory note!

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