



Thwarting months of joint conspiracy by the terrorists, the elite and urbanite anti-national rogues, dollar vultures and NGO bandits to defeat the Budget and put an abrupt halt to the military operations in the North by denying funds allocated in the budget for defense activities, the government comfortably won in the third reading of the budget by obtaining 114 votes of the 225 member Parliament. The terrorist outfit was very much confident that its stooges and clowns in the Sri Lankan parliament would defeat the budget and save them from getting annihilated by the forward march of our gallant forces. It was due to this confidence that the TamilNet and another Lankan website purportedly financed by the terrorist outfit and notorious for anti government propaganda, especially against the Defense establishment flashed the news of the crossover of the Clown to the opposition. This shameless website, however, remained silent when the budget was passed. The victory has also put an end to the vicious speculation about scores of government MPs waiting to crossover to the opposition.

JVP by absenting from voting saved a great ignominy and hatred that could have befallen them otherwise by being a party that opposed the massive defense allocation, in conjunction with the 67 terrorist proxies who opposed the budget. As they voted for the defense allocation in the Committee Stage, it was evident that the stance they took in the voting could have been the possibility and they would not betray our gallant security forces by voting against the budget. At this juncture, Ven. Elle Gunawanse Thero and others in the Patriotic National Movement and those in the Manel Mal Movement deserve applause from all patriotic masses for their role in enlightening the steadfast JVP leadership. The government would have won the budget as it mustered 114 votes even if all JVP members voted against the budget but in such an event it would take decades for them to reverse the damage inflicted to their credibility among the masses.

The onus now rests on the government to fulfill the aspirations of the masses and eliminate the terrorist misery that had been destroying this nation for the last several decades. The terrorist leadership, including megalamaniac mass murderer should be mercilessly eliminated at the earliest possible opportunity, hopefully at least before the Parliament meets next on January 8th. At the same time all routes of arms supplies to the terrorists, particularly from the coastal districts of Tami Nadu and Kerala should be completely sealed preventing all possibilities of terrorists getting strengthened.

The government victory also could stamp out the political expectations of the dreaming duo led by Mr. Mangala Samaraweera (the beloved nephew of the notorious Velvettiturai uncle). Even the last minutes efforts made by this duo to persuade Mr. D.M.Jayaratne to crossover failed, let alone the silly assertions made to get 22 Government MPs to crossover at the budget voting. While this victory buries much publicized (Vi)Jathika Congress, it may even see the leaders joining the former President and settling down overseas. Or will Mr. Samaraweera and his gofer organize street protests against JVP for not voting to defeat the government as he warned the JVP at the Anuradhapura Jana Wala rally?

As usual, the shameless treacherous UNP leader and his dim-witted cronies made many statements and promises on their confidence of defeating the budget. They even predicted that December 14th will be the day of reckoning for the Rajapakse Brothers unruly government and a day of victory for the people. In the meantime tiger Jayalath claimed that darkest hours of Sri Lanka’s political history will be put to an end on December 14th. As this green tiger is believed to be the closest person in the South to the terrorist hierarchy, he must have made this prediction knowing the efforts being made by the terrorist outfit to defeat the government. Resorting to baseless false propaganda, customary to UNP, its website claimed that the JVP Poitbureau met on the night of the 13th and unanimously decided to vote against the government. As many other claims of the UNP leader and his stooges this false propaganda too backfired with JVP remaining absent from voting.

The run up to the budget voting brought a great service to the government and the country by providing the opportunity to get rid of the disgraceful Rauf Hakeem and Anura Bandaranaike from the government ranks. It is really shameful to all Sri Lankans that a person like Anura Bandaranaike happens to be the son of Sri Lanka’s two great politicians. When he was sacked from the Ministership by the President, he rebuked the government as a Carnival of Clowns. Later he tendered his apology to the President and once again returned to the government fold.

It is pertinent at this juncture to expose the shameful character and the disgraceful political objectives of this political clown. This is how Sunday Times of 18th February 2007 admirably described his apology to President under the title “Clown Prince in Valentine Circus” :

“It happened on Valentine's Day adding a romantic twist to the otherwise cut-throat national politics that is becoming murkier by the day. Anura Bandaranaike, the son of two Prime Ministers and brother of a one-time President, walked into "Temple Trees" last Wednesday morning. With tears flowing from his chubby cheeks, he clasped the hand of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and quavered as he apologized. He said he was sorry he had made many public utterances against the Rajapaksa family and his Government. He wanted to be forgiven for he was "misled." ”

Further, as he has gone on record against the capture Mavilaru, and against the demerger of the Northern and Eastern provinces even contravening the Supreme Court decision, it does not behove to keep politicians of this caliber in the government ranks and his crossover should be made a permanent and an irrevocable one.

Without getting overjoyed about getting the budget passed overcoming all conspiracies and hurdles the government should make every effort to eliminate the terrorist menace from the North as it was done in the East, to put an end to interference in the governance by the Embassy lobby and foreign outfits, accelerate the rural development activities and provide redress to the poor segments of the society which back the government despite many hardships.

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