

British Moves to Intervene in Sri Lanka

Dr Gamani Goonetilleka Parakramabahu Foundation Inc NSW Australia

Your Excellencies, Rt Hon Prime Minister, Hon Members of Parliament and others,

It is with deep regret that I note, just as many right thinking people all over the world regardless of whether they are of Sri Lankan origin, (Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher, Malay), British, European, American, Eastern, Far Eastern or other have noted with due horror that Britain of all nations have thought it fit to form a Parliamentary Group to support a group of terrorists already banned and listed as a terrorist group by several leading nations in the world (USA, Canada, EU, India, Malaysia Australia, even UK! and others.) This (The Tamil Tiger terrorists- LTTE) is a group of terrorists who are well known to have close ties with Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups throughout the world.

Their expertise in terrorism (Suicide bombers' vest, Suicide boats,and in Sri Lanka anyway lately... terrorist Air power!>>>>>REMEMBER SEPTEMBER ELEVEN...?) has been and is currently being used by terrorists all over the world causing massive loss of innocent human lives EVERY SINGLE DAY.... One would therefore ask." Is it a wise or responsible decision to offer support of ANY kind to a WORLDCONDEMNED terrorist group?" - especially in this significant manner planned by certain apparently misguided parliamentarians in UK?

I do not wish to list the endless heinous crimes committed by these world condemned terrorists, The Tamil Tiger terrorists (LTTE- Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam), as so many would have already written, giving you very comprehensive lists of such facts and figures.Suffice it to say that every right thinking person in the world will rightly place Britain as a nation which not only harbours terrorists (Tamil Tiger terrorist late Anton Balasingham, his wife and many Tamil Tiger terrorist cadres lived and still live there under the protection of the British Government! ) but also openly SUPPORTS terror groups such as the Tamil Tiger terrorists, thereby gaining admission to an exclusive club consisting of nations which support TERRORISM. A DOWNRIGHT SHAME! One does not have to look too far to see and realise the massive carnage and loss of innocent lives that have occurred in the recent past all over the world, as a result of possible ill conceived plans by some to support international terrorist groups from time to time, for whatever reasons. There are serious lessons to be learned from all these incidents but of course there are also requirements which are a sine qua non for the human learning process.

Terrorists are terrorists wherever they operate and those who are fighting to liberate their nations from the clutches of such Fascist terrorist groups deserve all the help they can get, not this manner of open or tacit support for such terror groups, however sweet the favours or benefits promised or granted by such terror groups to various countries, with a view to enlisting their support for the fragmentation of a sovereign nation. This being reminiscent of the 'Divide and rule' policy, that Britain herself has perpetrated in various parts of the world over hundreds of years. An utterly DISGRACEFUL concept in any day and age but more so today, when Democratically minded true intellectuals the world over talk and write about concepts of a 'BORDERLESS WORLD' for the future.

I respectfully urge you to take necessary steps to completely oppose and take urgent appropriate steps to nullfy this plan for a Tamil Tiger terrorist support Group in of all places the British Parliament, before it is too late. It certainly will not augur well for the image of Britain in the minds of the free, right thinking Democratic world if such ill conceived plans come to fruition.
Thanking you
Yours truly

Dr Gamani Goonetilleka
Parakramabahu Foundation Inc


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