

UNP to Set Up Shop in Los Angeles and Las Vegas Somewhat Belatedly

By Philip Fernando in Los Angeles
(Writer is the former Deputy Editor of the Sunday Observer)

The UNP has decided to set up offices in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Party Secretary Tissa Attanayake, MP and Assistant Secretary Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena, will be in Los Angeles next week to work out the logistics of their decision. Among those sounded to host the inaugural meeting are well-known a university don, former civil servant and the son of a former Minister. UNP sources said that the party’s presence was vital to service the needs of a large Sri Lankan Diaspora in the region. UNP sources expressed dismay that their point of view was being either misrepresented or ignored by sections of the media. Typically they repeat the statements reportedly attributed to the party without checking them, such as Thoppigala is a jungle, any donkey can wage a war, we dare you to attack Kilinochchi etc., according to the sources.

Some of the social groups in the area seemed pleased that the UNP was recognizing the need for a strong presence in LA and Las Vegas where over 100, 000 Sri Lankans are reported to be residing. That number is growing daily. A constant negative publicity they received through out USA had effectively silenced them. They could not overcome the din of the word-of-mouth sling and arrows that had them cornered even in LA where thousands traditionally bent towards UNP resided. The Diaspora presence was too big for the UNP to ignore said an observer. Reportedly, they were amazed at the amount of Diaspora activity generated by the recent budget debate and the number of web sites functioning in USA reaching millions of homes.

The most aggressive inroads into communication in USA are now done by the JVP. Even among the youth there is a better understanding of the JVP point of view. Although not officially affiliated to the JVP, the Los Angeles National Patriots Movement speaks the same language and the metaphor. They are actively reaching out to many Sri Lankans through participatory avenues. Social events, even the recent California fires spurred them on to help people in need. The internet has become a main vehicle of information and it will be an opinion maker at an unprecedented scale.

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