


WORLD ALLIANCE FOR PEACE IN SRI LANKA po box 4066-Mulgrave-Victoria-Austrlia ph/fax 03-95480276 2007-April-20th

World Alliance for Peace in Sri Lanka (WAPS) along with their associate organizations,NAT and Sansadaya have taken many steps to expose the LTTE friendly activities of Norway and Norwegian foreign ministry cabal led by Erick Solheim. We have met Eric Solheim after WAPS Confernce in Oslo and conveyed our concerns on behalf of Sri Lankans who are at the receiving end of LTTE terrorism. But, Norway continues with their program to create space for the LTTE contributing in a big way to the political and economic instabilty of Sri Lanka.

The collection of funds by the LTTE agents to procure arms in Norway, direct technical and financial support to the LTTE by Norway and attempts to revamp LTTE's political leadership by Norwegian officials are serious issues which merit the attention of the UN and the members of theinternational community, if they are genuinely interested in democratic institutions.

It is on record how Norway attempted to provide advantage to the LTTE delegation at the Geneve talks in the preparation of the agenda and how they arranged the LTTE delegation to meet in Oslo soon after the Geneve discussion to plan collection of millions of dollars with Norway as the centre for disbursement of payments for arms. Mr Falk Rovik of NAT along with WAPS have given details of all pro-LTTE acts of Norway and it is upto the Norwegian authorities to investigate and clear Norway's sullied image.

NAT is an associate of WAPS with strong anti LTTE organizations in 14 countries.NAT has a well known website on Norwegian pro-LTTE actvities with several thousand Norwegians accessing it and contributing to counter pro-terrorist programs of the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.It is strange how Norwegain Foreign Ministry can accomodate leaders of the world's most brutal killers-the LTTE- with expenses paid programs while trying to ridicule Mr Rovik with a smear campaign.

The Norwegian Foreign Ministry and their NGO fellow travellers resorted to these tactics when WAPS had its conference in Oslo in August 2004 , but failed to stem the anti- LTTE tide. It is not Mr Falk Rovik that is on trial. His trial is over and he has been given a clean bill of health,It is the Norwegian Government that is on trial and it is afraid of the judgement.

We ask Norwegian Government to play the ball, not the player. Do not try to kill the messenger. WAPS will again go before the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee with a complete dossier against Norway even though we are aware of Norway's behind the scene manoeuvres to stifle proceedings. We have made an appeal to the King of Norway and political leaders to appoint a parliamentary Royal Commission to look into the Norwegian pro-LTTE activities.

We are also exploring the possibility of legal action against Norway. In the near future, we are planning to appoint a People's Commission in Sri Lanka to invite submissions and indict Norway Meantime, we request the Norwegian Government, their officials and Norwegian funded NGOs not to stoop low to avoid responsibility of crimes against Sri Lanka.

Ranjith Soysa-Spokesperson WAPS



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