

Wake up and survive Sri Lanka

Ben Silva

Mother lanka your survival is within your own hands and not in India's or anyone else's. Your survival lies in being able to confront the terrorists decisively. Terrorism is like a cancer, it cannot be allowed to spread. If not treated, it will eventually kill you. Educating the people of the problem is also important.

We also need a fairer society, with help given to the poor and the disadvantaged.
Survival of Sri Lanka, lies in being able to identify and deal with internal and external threats. The law of nature is “Survival of the fittest “. Never forget that. Get yourself fit so that you can survive. Do not depend on others for your defence. Give Sri Lankans the opportunities to develop. Create a structure for the defence industry and have a sensible person in charge. We cannot spend a fortune on defence. That is why we need a home made defence industry. Sri Lanka need to do some strategic thinking and strategic planning.

Also Lankans need skills to survive in a highly competitive global economy.So acquire skills or develop skills to survive. Some important skills and knowledge are:
Problem solving
Information seeking and processing
Knowledge of economics and business
e-media skills

Sri Lanka needs strategies and systems to oppose racist empire building by LTTE.Start our own defence industry with foreign partners. Perhaps China, India, Pakistan, Israel all could be our partners. Start now, and we could have a viable industry in 10 years. Look at our Cricketers – They have shown that we can be good as any , provided we have the correct leadership and self belief.
So do not end up like the Aztecs under Spanish invaders.

Every Sri Lankan should get off their back side, wake up and work towards survival, before Sri Lankans disappear like the Aztecs did. There should no division of Sri Lanka on ethic grounds, but treat all equally and help the disadvantaged.Dividing the country on ethnic grounds is simply inviting trouble. Even racially segregated schools should not be allowed.

Sri Lanka should be for all its citizen, and dividing the country on ethnic grounds would simply invite future wars.So take the present challenges as an opportunity.We need affordable systems developed by locals, in partnership with overseas friends.Think of survival and act and do not just sit on the backside.

The quicker Sri Lanka produce an independent defence industry, the quicker Sri Lanka would be truly independent. So we should not lose time, but take urgent steps to kick start an affordable defence industry, with foreign partners. To survive, Sri Lankans need to develop strong character, self belief, willpower and team sprit!

Could patriotic citizens influence those in power to kick start the Sri Lankan defence industry, in partnership with foreign friends.

Acknowledements: Scorpion (AT), Prof. Hudson McLean

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