

We can only be a slave to one master

Christine Welangoda

We can only be a slave to one master. We cannot follow in the path of Christ while hailing terrorism. Bishop of Mannar has to choose his path as a servant of God or servant of Prabakaran.

Jesus Christ died on the cross to save all humankind from sin. Murder is the most unforgivable sin according to all religions. The simple explanation for Christianity is Love and Peace. Jesus preaching's were purely based on unconditional love. Even in the last hour of his death on the cross Jesus asked pardon for his enemies by saying "Father forgive them for they know not know what they do", were his words to signify Love to all.

To my memory, I remember several incidents in the initial stage of terrorism in the North of Sri Lanka. At that time, Christians were afraid to read news reports that said our churches were used as terrorist sanctuaries in the north. Our Christian Bishop, especially bishop of Mannar, who now act as Saviour of the LTTE terrorist, kept silent all along when so many massacres took place in the north and east. These were horrible murders that were committed by the LTTE and still haunting the minds of all Sri Lankans living in Sri Lanka and abroad. To refresh the minds of the international community I would like to mention some of these killings.

1. In one go, many number of Samanera priest (very young Buddhist priest before ordination) were massacred senselessly.

2. Then many more Buddhist priests were inhumanly killed in many temples in the north.

3. Massive number of Sinhalese men, women, young children, and even infants were ruthlessly murdered as ethnic clensing, it was called doller farm massacre. There is a video footage of this killing that any civilized human being would be afraid to view and if they do, will question whether these Tamils descendents of Tamil Nadu State, a civilized race or barbarians in the wild.

4. Next were a huge number of Buddhist devotees massacred in the sacred site of Ruwanwelisaya on a full moon day, a day similar to Sunday for Christians. There is a video footage of this massacre that will raise many eyebrows to questions why Sinhalese are massacred in their own land as ethnic clensing by minority Tamils.

5. Mass murder of Muslims in a mosque while praying was also ethnic cleansing.

6. The most disgraceful inhuman killing of Charles Perera. He was turned into a mass of flesh. Even cannibals can be more civilized and human than these lethal Tamil terrorist.

The most heart-breaking incident that shook the world was the Kebitigollawa claymore bomb blast that killed 52 innocent civilians, fourteen alone were innocent children. These were just a few deadly and shameful acts of these pets of the Christian bishops in the north and east, who are ever lamenting over a deadly Satan's army LTTE. To justify my belief that LTTE are a ruthless terrorist rganization, I would ask the International community and the whole world to look at the ferocious looking flag of the LTTE, that symbolizes violence and thirst for blood and hunger for human flesh.

The Tamil Christian Bishops, and priest, who are rampaging the Streets in the north in their robes, should have a grain of wisdom not to support a lethal terrorist group, and not to keep numb about killings of these brutal killers. It is a shame that once church bells were peeling to commemorate the deaths of a deadly terrorist leaders who was killing innocent and most vulnerable civilians' day in and day out. Sadly, we did not hear these holy bells of Bishop Rayappu Joseph peeling in honor of the Hindu high priest of Shanthivelu Pillayar Kovil Prameshwara Kurrukkai who was gunned down by lethal LTTE. Bishop, this is a time where our Pope in Rome stand strong against terrorism, but the Christian priests in the north and east of Sri Lanka are parading the stage for LTTE drama of 'Tamil Mother land.'

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