

Island Editorial entitled "Well Done Britain Go The Whole Hog !" Put Into Perspective From A Nationalistic Viewpoint!

Senaratna Perera ~ Nationalists Without Borders For LankaWeb.

Dec. 22nd 2007

This is a bold document, obstreperous and self opinionated in some parts and to jump head first into the issue of Karuna in this manner seems indicative of either a certain lack of insight as well as discretion about someone whose efforts, insight and comprehension of Velupillai Prabhakaran's strategies have been invaluable to the Sri Lankan Armed Forces' present advances towards overwhelming the Tamil Tigers who incidentally are doing a number on the terrorists relative to which some of the subject content in this item sounds indifferent to the needs of Sri Lanka . Therefore if this is indeed a Sri Lankan (which must surely be the case as it cannot PK Balachandran the LTTE friendly Indian news reporter who normally writes in similar vein but then he does not write editorials for the Island !) he or she should ask themselves the question "what is my true identity ? am I Sri Lankan or a colonial dreg? as it sure sounds like a bucket carrying British sycophant to a degree!

In the simplest of terms the exhortation "Well done Britain! Go the whole hog" either needs to be re-written to accommodate a bit of Sri Lankan National pride or trashed in the name of Sri Lankan self respect as most of it takes on the air of a load of hogwash! pun intended!

To congratulate Britain on investigating former LTTE military commander Karuna Amman who has not been in any way close to the criminalities of his former boss Prabhakaran for possible war crime charges while relenting his past to be supportive of the Sri Lankan Government whereby applauding the Crown Prosecution Service in conjunction with The London Times who have said, are looking into whether there is sufficient evidence to bring him to trial under international laws on war crimes, torture and hostage-taking seems be a post haste scramble by the Island to back pat the British sources involved and seemingly for all the wrong reasons.

It may not have occurred to the Island editorialist that Karuna could possibly have been sent to the UK with the blessings of the Sri Lankan Government despite the mitigating circumstances pointing to invalid travel documents in which case the Island has taken an authoritative stance over the entire issue while being bullish and judgemental over an issue which pobably has a very plausible explanation and not a mountain out of a molehill presentation connived by the Island!

This rather than maintaining a stiff upperlip which would have been the right thing to do rather than cause embarrassment to the Sri Lankan Government which is presently investigating the incident and related allegations, places the Government in a difficult situation which does not augur well with big mouthed editorials of this type.There was no need for the "Holier Than Thou " attitude of the Island for which they need no applauses and should be viewed in contempt from a patriotic standpoint!

The the same editorial says "Terrorists, both former and present, must be dealt with might and main." and what of Douglas Devananda then? How is it that he commands a great deal of Governmerntal respect, enough to secure a cabinet post despite his former involvement with the LTTE terrorists of Velupillai Prabhakaran's leadership? Might it occur to the Island that Indeed in the same manner Karuna could well be contrite an accepted as a Sri lankan nation ex LTTE member who has now come clean and might even be the overall accepted leader of the Tamil Community!

Undeniably there are other ways to perceptively rid this world of the scourge of terror and if there wasn't Britain today would be still fighting the IRA and it has been diplomacy and tact not the fomentation of hatred and anger or stirring the pot which has to a greater part resolved the Irish Republican Army Issue. Unlike the LTTE they were willing to negotiate rather than die with cyanide capdules and suicidal tendencies and face annihilation rather than relent! Britain’s aluded to 'high octane performance' as regards Karuna is by no mean praiseworthy together with the veritable bull in a chinashop mentality where the real facts about Karuna could have been ascertained diplomatically through enquiries from the Sri Lankan Government rather than be preached to by a self opinionated newspaper editor inadvertently suggesting how not to avoid an international incident involving two friendly nations where too many loose ends point to bungling immigration authorities from both sides of the fence!

The document which is a diatribe against Karuna then delves into many irrelevancies drawing analogies to Pinochet, Anton Balasingham, Margaret Thatcher's "Chutzpah" (never knew the Island has Semitic expressionist but it figures!) but has somewhat surprisingly, or perhaps for good measure been parochially considerate in villifying Balasingham and Prabhakaran for the demises of Messers. Premadasa and Kadirgamar ( Thank You very much!) while taking on an air of overall authority over the issue which by now seems to be embroiled in a great deal of confusion on the part of our dear Island Editor who has truly put his foot into it and does not seem to know if he is coming or going albeit hell bent on stressing the importance about incarcerating Karuna.

However, a certain chink in his armour seems indicative of a doubt perhaps about his own reservations as to the objective of his ire and wrath and to what justification! which are visibly apparent despite this outburst and suggests that " Karuna, Britain needs to be forewarned, will prove to be a hard nut to crack. And he knows too much about the LTTE including its links with Britain, which are so strong that the British Navy even received an LTTE leader on one of its warships in the aftermath of the tsunami disaster. So, the Karuna affair is going to open a can of worms for the British government. On the other hand, probing Karuna will certainly set a precedent and Britain would be bound to take action against the whole caboodle of undesirables taking refuge in the great wen. Our only worry is that the British government might get cold feet and seek to wash its hands of Karuna by deporting him. "A contradictory statement indicating personal confusion if ever there was one while also playing the churlish braggart! !

The Island Editorial sinks deeper into the Quagmire it now finds itself in by suggesting ludicrously that "Britain is capable of playing a pivotal role in resolving this country’s conflict. Her activist High Commissioner Dominic Chilcott is going hell for leather in his effort to tame the Rajapaksa government which is at loggerheads with Western governments. If the British government could do ten per cent of what Mr. Chilcott is doing in Colombo vis-à-vis the Sri Lankan government, to pressure the LTTE active on the British soil to soften its stand and be amenable to negotiations, hopes of the conflict being put behind us through political means could be renewed. " to which our editorial friend from the Island needs to be gently reminded that this last statement seems to be the icing on the cake of his confusion and an attempt to mislead the reader!

While it seems the furthest from the truth beyond the rationale relative to interference, ungainly recommendations to suppress aid through international blackmail based on the coercions of pro LTTE supportives that Britain could do much about resolving Sri Lanka's problems particularly by entreaties to soft pedal on the Armed Forces relentless drive to eliminate the terrorists the name Chilcott is fast becoming unmentionable amongst many discerniung analysts as well as the Administration as someone contentious and unacceptable to the Nation of Sri Lanka regardless of claims towards prssuring LTTE in the UK which seems more conjecture than reality. That Mr Chilcott is going hell for leather in his attempt to tame the Sri Lankan Government of Mahinda Rajapahsha (another verbal faux pas by the Island!) despite the ring of truth to it may not augur well for Chilcott who may need to chill out as he may well be consumed in the flames of his own misjudgements regarding the perceptions and capabilities of the Sri Lankan President who has already given the stick to another Brit who has stepped out of line and said to be the powerful executive last known to be the appointed head of Air Lanka who was truly sent packing ignominiously!

In the best interests of Sri Lanka, dispensations of self opinionated sensationalism in this manner needs to be put into perspective for it face value, none other than cheap sensationalim itself with a touch of British derriere licking where the Island Editor's anticipations

towards the day when Karuna will be hauled up before a British court would probably be tantamount to no more than a judicial procedure if it ever reaches that stage and the outcome perhaps a difficult acceptance by the British Authorities that Karuna deserves more recognition and consideration than the murderous Velupillai Prabhakaran who incidentally is now seeking a clandestine exit to gain access perhaps to the UK for reasons best known to the Armed Forces said to have laced his rear with a load of buckshot for which he is said to be seeking treatmnment!

Will there be any sympathiser to throw a lifelint to this particular favourite of the terrorist supportive Tamil Diaspora and will the Island editor have a whole rigmarole to say about it also?

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