


By Rangajeeva Rajakaruna reporting from Los Angeles

Jayantha (Donald) Gnanakone, the alleged Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) activist from California has gloated about his close relationship with United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe in an email distributed to a leading LTTE stalwart in the United States and pro-UNP organ the Sunday Leader.

“Vanni is aware of my close contacts with Ranil Wickramasinghe from June 2 1996, and that was without any Balasinghams involved . I cannot say more , and I do not deal with any podiyans in Vanni,” Gnanakone said in the email indicating his conetempt for some of the LTTE subordinates of the Supremo of the group, Velupillai Prabhakaran. “Podiyans” in Tamil is small fry.

The letter also hints that his direct dealings are with the Supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran , who hails from the same smuggling port hamlet of Velvetiturai in the Northern Province. He also happens to be of the same Karayar caste to which the Supremo belongs. They are traditionally abhorred by the high caste Hindus.

The email letter originally meant as a reply to one Mr. Aknikini Subramanian , who inquired about the accuracy of the report that appeared in the Lankaweb about his attendance at the UNP inauguaral meeting in Los Angeles has been sent from Gnanakone’s well-known email address, , that refers to his alleged organization of a development foundation in the North and East of the country, called, “North East Economic Development Service.” It is alleged to be a LTTE front organization.

Confirming the Lankaweb story Gnanakone said, “ Yes this is correct, as the guy from Lanka Web called me and asked me whether I had joined the UNP.”

In the email, Gnanakone is looking down on Tamils who take money from the Indian intelligence agency, RAW, and called them pariahs. “ It was RAW money which fed Karuna (former LTTE Eastern wing leader who broke away from the group to form his own called TMVP), Mahathaya (former LTTE deputy leader who was tortured in a dungeon for months and ultimately killed) , and Ali Zahir Moulan and other Indian journalist (sic) as well as Chandrahasan (son of the late S.J.V. Chelvanayagam , the person who founded the federal party that later gave birth to the concept of separatism).

The LTTE dreads RAW since one of its suicide bombers assassinated former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in South India. Formerly during Rajiv’s mother’s reign in India it was RAW which funded, armed and trained the LTTE in Indian army camps.

Detesting bribe givers and takers he said in the email, “At least I am not involved with the bribe giving or taking of /from the Rajapaksas via Tiran Alles….” .

Hinting that the LTTE knew before hand that he was going to attend the UNP inaugural meeting in that Hyat Hotel in El Segundo, close to the Los Angeles Airport, Gnanakone further said in the email, “My close friends knew of my going for the meeting of the UNP, and Jayalath Jayawardene is known to me from his medical college days and he is(sic) a regular visitor to Vanni (Prabhakaran’s hide out ) when I used to be there from 2002 to 2003.”

Gnankone also did not forget to write about the Bandaranaike family members who have opted to become pro-Ranil Wickremesinghe. Writing about Chandrika’s relative-her sister in law, Rupa Kumaratungs who has become a leading voice in the Los Angeles branch of the UNP, Gnanakone further said, “By the way, Vijay’s (Vijaya Kumaratunga) sister inquired about his relative Brian Seneviratne (LTTE propagandist) from me. You can pass it on to him . As he might not remember Rupa as a relative , because he is a cousin of Chandrika, Sunethra and Anura (Bandaranaikes) .I have known Rupa from my Colombo days and her son is living in LA for 20 years and is married to a burger girl.”

Rupa Kumaratunga did not return the call when this writer left the message with her daughter in law to verify the alleged conversation. But the daughter in law said it was true Rupa attended the meeting with her and the only thing she could remember was the meeting’s low turn out. Only 45 attended the meeting.

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