

Who is responsible for the Assasination of Benazir Bhutto ?

By Charles S.Perera

Assasination of Benazir Bhutto is a sad aftermath of interference into Government activities by human rights activists. A government is not left on its own to decide to take protective measures to safeguard their citizens. If the Government of Pakistan had been strong handed to arrest likely terrorists, it would have been accused by the Human Rights watch for unwarranted arrest of people. Now they will accuse the Pakistan Government for not having arrested trouble makers.

This is what happened in Sri Lanka, when the Security Forces arrested Tamil persons without valid identity cards in Colombo. It was an important measure of security to arrest people whose identities have not been established, and take them for questioning. But the interfering international do-gooders always intervene to throw about their weight, thus hampering the work of the Security Forces. The taking away of the road blocks in Sri Lanka, for what ever reason is also an unreasonable decision, as inconvenience caused to the public at check points is minimal, considering the possibility of transporting of claymore bombs or terrorist.

It is time that all political parties, close ranks with the government until the danger of terrorism has been successfully eliminated. Democracy is after all to allow the government to govern, while the opposition parties offer constructive criticism. The President has been elected by a majority of the people and the opposition parties hindering the President to carry on his Presidential duties are not only undemocratic, but are also acting against the majority of the people who voted the President into office.

Let not what happened in Pakistan to-day happen in Sri Lanka .Every one opposing the President and the government should be considered directly, or indirectly responsible for terrorism in Sri Lanka, whether it is the leader of the Opposition, the elected Parliamentarians , the Anti-war groups , or the International Community with its hordes of Human Rights activists, UN,Amnesty International, FMM etc.

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