

Media Release Ceasefire Offer Highlights Crisis of Credibility

Ira de Silva Canada

National Peace Council of Sir Lanka
12/14 Purana Vihara Road,
Colombo 6, Sri Lanka

Attention: Governing Council

Re: Media Release - Ceasefire Offer Highlights Crisis of Credibility - June 29,2008

Having read this media release, I would like to point out that what it really it highlights is the lack of credibility of the National Peace Council.

You state that because the LTTE has extended its "support" is an indication that it too places strategic importance on this summit. Are you trying to imply that the LTTE has equal standing with the other countries that are attending the summit? To place them at the same level of the Sri Lankan government and representatives of other countries at this summit is an insult to every Sri Lankan, especially those who have suffered through years of being bombed, murdered, plundered and otherwise terrorised while the NGO community such as yours get foreign funding to provide false propaganda to the world. NGO's such as yours are merely carrying out the mandate of your foreign masters whose aim is to achieve for the LTTE their goal of dividing Sri Lanka. The summit must have given you the chance to earn more money by issuing these inane "media releases".

You state that a "ceasefire offer is not to be lightly rejected as it offers a new space and a new opportunity for peace". Other than your "Governing Council", every Sri Lankan knows the LTTE's offer of a ceasefire is because they want to use the summit to buy time to smuggle in arms etc. as they have always done in the past whenever they have needed to. Have they advised you that they have had a change of heart now? If so why do you not state that in the media release? That would be welcome news to the suffering public in Sri Lanka. The government and the international community have not responded favourably to the ceasefire offer because they know it is false. Only you are taken in, perhaps because you are being paid to carry on this charade, which highlights your lack of credibility. As for the Government it has reassessed it's past behaviour to offers of ceasefires and this time have treated the offer for what it is worth.

As for your statement that the international community has an important role to play in creating conditions for a new ceasefire, the last time the "international community' created conditions it was to throw a lifeline to the LTTE and enable them to spread themselves throughout the country in a surge of violence which Sri Lanka is still paying for in the lives of civilians and service personnel who were murdered by the thousands through the "conditions of the ceasefire". Only paid agents of pro-LTTE supporters would once again come up with this argument. As for the call to relax the government embargo of "peace emissaries" going to the Wanni to meet the LTTE, once again it seems that your efforts are being directed to give credibility and legitimacy to a terrorist organisation that you want to place on par with an elected government. Since your organization is called a National Peace Council, why do you not send your emissaries to the Wanni and then use your next media release outlining the results of your "peace mission". Since you are local and foreign funded as well, your effort could be considered both local and "international". What is essential for Sri Lanka and the world is that both local organisations such as yours and your "international peace emissaries" accept, acknowledge and confirm to the world that the LTTE is a terrorist organization, does not represent the Tamil people of Sri Lanka and is in no way on par with the elected Government of Sri Lanka.

There is no question that the ongoing "war" (a more appropriate term would be terrorism) is creating suffering, primarily to the Tamil people in the areas temporarily controlled by the LTTE who have violated their human rights for at least the past twenty five years, as well as the people in all other parts of Sri Lanka who are constantly being targeted with bombs, claymore mines etc. The right to life must be paramount and the right to live peacefully is a necessity not only now but in the past, present and future. To achieve these rights it is for the LTTE to offer a ceasefire and lay down their arms which they have never done. Until there is such an offer there can be no credibility to either the LTTE's offer of a ceasefire nor your pronouncements.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva

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