

With his remarks about the Army Commander Mangala Samaraweera shows himself with his pants down.

By Charles.S.Perera

Sour faced Mangala Samaraweera, has done it again. Having stopped President bashing he started Government bashing. He has now opened his smelly mouth to poison the atmosphere with his uncalled for remarks on the Commander of the Army Sarath Fonseka. He can get away bashing the President and the Government, but he cannot get away from bashing the Commander of the Army.

Not because he is the Commander of the Army, but behind the uniform is a man, generous, steadfast and determined. The Army Commander Sarath Fonseka is sincere , modest and outspoken. He does not do what he is doing for honour or fame. He does it because he is convinced that he is doing the right thing by the country , and the people he loves. He is not a politician, and if he is one ,he would not be a politician of Mangala Samaraweera's calibre. The Commander of the Army is made of a higher quality, than what Samaraweer is made of.

Mangala Samaraweera is a failed politician. The people of Sri Lanka are intelligent and they see through Mangala Samaraweera's false political pretense. He is not a credible politicians, and no political party will enrich from his presence. Ranil Wickramasinghe is in the same category as Samaraweera. He will accommodate Mangala Samaraweera to the extent that he will serve his own purposes, and thereafter Ranil will drop him like a hot brick.

Mangala Samaraweera's future may perhaps be with the TNA. But unfortunately TNA is a party without a future. Nonetheless, it is in the realisation of the fact of his political failure that he has begun a mission of discrediting the Commander of the Army to get closer to Prabhakaran through TNA, to be a beneficiary from Prabhakaran's last will. He may have a place in Tamil Nadu !

Mangala Samaraweera is a politician without a sense of shame. His actions have a personal motive. He was with the President Chandrika Kumaratunga, when the going was good and turned to the President Mahinda Rajapakse, to claim his privileges but while being a Minister of his government, continued his allegiance to the former President.

The President Mahinda Rajapakse, saw the dishonesty of Mangala Samaraweera who kept his contact with the former President, who was openly campaigning to discredit him. Therefore he wisely removed Mangala Samaraweera from his cabinet of Ministers. Mangala Samaraweera is insincere and unreliability. It is evident from the way he behaves and speaks now. He proved himself to be a false friend, a manipulator, and a traitor by his political moves and statements since he left his Cabinet post under the President Mahinda Rajapakse.

The Commander of the Army Sarath Fonseka on the other hand is a reliable man, who is conscious of his responsibility for the country, his people , and his soldiers. The people have not forgotten his selfless service for his motherland. It was when he was in command of Jaffna that he vehemently fought against removal of High Security Zones , in which he showed his foresight and avoided a likely take over of Jaffna by the terrorists.

The Army Commander is loved by the people. His statements are candid, forthright and highlights his personality and devotion to his motherland, the love for which he puts above everything else. He is in Command of the armed Forces today, with the unique desire to save his country and his people from the vermin terrorist who had been trying to eat into the core of the nation, to destabilise it, and mutilate it preparing to establish a separate Eelam to later join up with Tamil Nadu to establish a large Israel Style, Tamil Eelam. The Army Commander has prevented this from happening, and will always remain a heroic son of Mother Lanka.

The Sour faced traitorous Mangala Samaraweera in casting aspersions to our all time hero Army Commander Sarath Fonseka of whom we are proud, is only displaying his utter disregard for the country, and being disrespectful to a real son of the land. The Army Commander risked his life, and has almost risen from the dead, to lead his valiant forces against the ruthless terrorists who had been allowed to build a formidable military force with a CFA signed by another traitor like Samaraweera.

The people of the ilk of the Army Commander Sarath Fonseka, and the President Mahinda Rajapakse rare people. They are born to be great, and to lead people, while others like Samaraweera, Ranil Wickramasinghe, along with his trumpet carriers Tissa Attanayake, Lakshman Kiriella, not to speak of the slithery Rauf Hakeem, are born to be heard and forgotten as the biblical traitor who sold his leader for a few coins of silver.

These people who undermine the great service, that the Army Commander and the President are rendering to Sri Lanka and its people, at a time that a murderous group of terrorists encouraged by fanfares of local terrorist lovers, and peddlers awaiting greater benefits, should be charged under the relevant sections of the emergency regulations. But, it is better not resort to that alternative as they will try to make themselves heroes out of such a situation. It is better perhaps, to let them get "cooked in their own poisonous juice".

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