


(By Walter Jayawardhana)

Sri Lanka’s Apollo Hospital has introduced a new method of eye sight correction in near vision using radio frequency energy, the website said.
“In its attempt to introduce new and improved methods of technology and means of treatment , the Apollo hospital has introduced the new technology for Presbyopia correction, CK Near vision in Sri Lanka” the website said. .
When one suffers from Presbyopia the patient can't read the newspaper, see one’s alarm clock when one wakes up, or read one’s favorite books without straining his or her eyes. Nearly millions of people over the age of 40 years are losing their near vision as a part of the natural aging process, it further said.
“To describe, Conductive Keratoplasty is a painless, revolutionary treatment. Using radio frequency (RF) energy, NearVision CK can change how the eye focuses light by reshaping the cornea to make it steeper” it said describing the correction process of the Apollo hospital. .
To be eligible for the NearVision CK, it listed the following:
* over age 40
* Had great vision for whole life
*Require reading glasses to compensate for fading near vision.
“NearVision CK uses radio waves, instead of a laser or scalpel, to reshape the cornea and bring near vision back into focus. NearVision CK is performed using a small probe, thinner than a strand of human hair, that releases radio waves. The probe is applied in a circular pattern on the outer cornea to shrink small areas of collagen. This circular shrinkage pattern creates a constrictive band (like the tightening of a belt), increasing the overall curvature of the cornea.
“The procedure, which takes less than three minutes, is done in-office with only topical anesthesia (eye drops).With NearVision CK, the majority of patients are able to return to work and other normal activities the day after their procedure.
“Although recovery is fairly quick, it is advisable to be careful with your eyes and to avoid any strain. However, there is no guarantee of any certain results. Hopefully, in the , in the FDA clinical study, nearly 87% of patients had 20/20 vision while looking at objects in the distance and were able to read phonebook-size print (J3) after having NearVision CK

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