


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

Thank you Mr. President MR, for the noble duty you initiated upon the victory after the last presidential election! Inviting your own brothers to help you to rescue this great island from blood suckers and thieves, you started the long overdue just and fair society. With all due respect to the former leaders, it was you who showed the courage to the people, how a leader should behave and execute the orders. The words once you uttered being the president" I am prepared even to sacrifice for the freedom of Sri Lanka, and remember, even if I die before it happens, my spirit shall do it". Probably this is a statement which all the leaders in the world should follow especially where they are threatened with terrorism.

Your invitation to General Sarath Fonseka to lead the Sri Lankan Army is also bringing superb results. He is probably the best Army Commander in the whole world today.

Congratulations Mr. President! But the game is not over. This is just the beginning and even if the terrorist leader is captured or killed or whatever, we still have a long way to go.

Since 1963, when ThamilNadu abandoned their fight for a separate state in India, upon the tough rules brought up by the Indian government, they took the advantage of decent and gentlemen behavior of the majority people living in Sri Lanka. Now the truth is revealed and the eyes are well opened, we shall march towards a permanent peace in Sri Lanka. The corrupted leaders in the world, who are in the terrorists' payrolls, shall be answered by the public soon. All international intelligence shall work towards that immediately.

All peace loving people living in Sri Lanka and outside shall come together and eradicate this terrorist malice from Sri Lanka first, and pave the way for a peaceful world. Sri Lankan Wanni terrorists being the most ruthless of all, Sri Lankan brave act of chopping them off shall be a most noble act towards the global peace.

Slowly and surely the infrastructure of Sri Lanka needed to be overhauled eliminating unnecessary parliamentary and electoral systems, thus reducing public waste to a great deal. No favourisms shall be allowed whatsoever, but patriotism shall play a significant role.

Once the terrorism is almost eradicated, the President shall properly assume his vested powers and bring the country into a well disciplined society which will obey the rules by the definition.

We shall not forget that according to recent scientific and archeological discoveries, Sri Lanka had had the most ancient civilization in the world, which the evidence are being surfaced.
Long live Sri Lanka - The Paradise of the Earth!

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