

Is Ranil coming of age at last?

By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai

Ranil has always been the perfect gentleman to the tip of his fingers upto now. That 's why he could not rebut Chandrika when she unceremoniously dumped him from his legible post sometime back, that s' why he could not speak against all the atrocities committed by the politicians on his side and the other side. He was too good to be a Sri Lankan politician where politics means un gentlemanly behaviours shouting, screaming, cheating, lying, breaking promises openly and unashamedly, thuggery, threatening etc. etc.

For those who had always seen the Ranil sitting so composedly with a smile, even when his own men tore the constitution of the country, his behaviour yesterday at the parliament was a treat. And his outburst at the press conference is another sweet news.

So at last he has decided to join the band wagon? Is it a policy of " If yo= u can't beat them, join them?"

All said and done I must say this is welcome change. It is time he wakes up and faces the challenges like a lion. It is time he gives as good as he gets.

Let's hope at last we are going to see an active opposition, not one who is so prim and proper that it only brings a yawn =96 not only from them but for the citizens too, but one which will fight corruption, injustice and inflation with all the vigour it deserves. We only hope he will stop with aggressiveness and not overstep to go into thuggery and mayhem. on second thought, naaah, he will not. He would not know how to.

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