

General Fonseka is Absolutely Right

Jass Ranasinghe, Dubai
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Center for Policy Alternatives has issued a communication saying that they do not approve the personal views of General Sarath Fonseka which are exclusively within in his own perspective based on his personal judgment.

In no uncertain terms, it is none of CPA's business or anybody else's to interfere with Mr. Sarath Fonseka's fundamental right of expression of his views which has been guaranteed to any citizen by the Constitution of Sri Lanka.

Right from the colonial days of our history, Tamil politicians have been communal minded and chauvinistic by designating all their political parties with the word "Tamil" up to this moment whereas the Sinhala people never designated their political parties as 'Sinhala'. For example, Sri Lanka Freedom Party, United National Party, Jathika Hela Urumaya, Janatha Wimukthi Peramuna, etc.

A tragic situation has been created in the country by these CPA like institutions where Sinhala people cannot say that this is the country of the Sinhala people depriving their birth right despite the fact that Sinhala people are naturally humane and rational to accommodate all the other minorities to live in this country in harmony. In addition, the Constitution of the country provides civil liberties and justice to every citizen alike without any discrimination.

The radio does not play Nanda Malini's song "Me Sinhala Apage Ratai" now. Why is that?
Prof. Sunil Ariyaratna's lyrics in that song are his honest thoughts I must say and Nanda Malini really meant every word of it when she sang it although she does not sing it now, possibly due to some personal restraints.

Can anybody deny the fact that the traditions of our country, the name of which is "Sinhale" as stipulated in the "Udarata Agreement" signed with the British in 1815, were inspired by the Sinhala Buddhist culture for the last 2550 years?

We should be able to open our mouth and tell the whole world that this is the blessed country of Sinhala Aryan people. It is a fact. General Fonseka is absolutely right.


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