

Bruce Fein, an ignorant Mlechcha?

Ajit Randeniya, California

Bruce Fein, a Washington-based "PR prostitute' who represents three LTTE front organizations in the US and Canada has made some outrageous statements in a recent letter to the President of the Janatha Party in Tamil Nadu.

In a letter coming out of his Palestinian blood-stained hand, Fein asserts that "Evidence is conclusive that Sinhalese Buddhists practice and celebrate a culture of genocide against any and all persons who differ in either ethnicity or religion… fueled by a Sinhalese-Buddhist supremacist philosophy constructed largely from the Mahavamsa and the creed of Dharmapala that deifies a racially pure Sinhalese Buddhist race just as Hitler saluted Aryan racial purity".

This outrage should not go without a proper response from those who believe in the Buddhist philosophy, the most enlightened life view ever.

As a leading Washington-based zionist lobbyist with an European (Merchant of Venice?)background, invoking Hitler is the most destructive accusation to anyone Fein and others of his tribe would usually make. In his haste to use Hitler's name to attack Buddhists, this racist bigot has forgotten to take a good look at himself and the evil movements he is representing. As far back as 1971, the UN General Assembly decreed that the evil philosophy of zionism he represents is equal to racism. The LTTE he is doing paid-services for now is a Fascist organisation proscribed by most reasonable countries in the world, including the USA where he currently resides.

To anlyse this vile statement correctly, the reader needs to know the 'rotten' background of this demon. Before his current contract as an LTTE lobbyist, he wrote articles for the Washington Times and other publications in support of the Government of Sri Lanka for $5,000 per month until the Sri Lankan Government declined his offer to continue his 'cash for comment' rouse for a permanent per-month retainer of $5000. Then he decided to become an advocate for the LTTE front organisation "Tamils Against Genocide", probably receiving much more than the $5000 from the desperate LTTE.

Attacking this mercinery's ignorant comments on Buddhist at a philosophical level is 'not worth it' because he belongs to an ignorant group of people that seems to believe that they have been 'chosen' by G-d to rule the 'stupid' mankind, and G-d promised land to their ancestor Moses, which they plan to take back at the cost of millions of lives of people in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. Buddhism, in contrast to this evil and ignorant myth-based belief system, is based on the doctrine of 'Ahimsa' (non-violence), making his remarks and accusations look ridiculous.

The evil philosophy, and the group, Fein represents orchestrated colonialism, under the guise of looking for the 'promised land', murdering, raping, looting and colonising countries in all continents of the world until the second world war made it impossible to continue to overpower these peoples. The millions they massacred in the process are countless (as against the claimed six million of them killed by Hitler, though every murder is one too many according to Buddhism). When they were forced to give up that mode of control, they created other 'neo-colonialist' global financing and development ruses to keep the people of the world poor and uneducated. These are continuing today.

Fein and others of his ilk are using Sri Lanka (and other trouble spots in the world) to distract world attention from the genocide they are carrying out in the Gaza strip and the West Bank, with the gullible US tax payer's money. They are now being exposed.

Bruce Fein, you are the type Buddha targeted as undergoing the worst form of human existence, living under 'Mithya Drusti' (incorrect vision). All the money and other material possessions you have will not make you a happy man.

You asked for it!!

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