

UNP try to take political mileage out of Patriot's death
UNP Leadership is Suffering from Amnesia

S. Hewage

The UNP never learns a lesson after so many people have been killed by the LTTE. The latest is Major General (Rtd.) Janaka Prerea. As usual, the UNP is blaming the government. They never blame the LTTE terrorists for any crime it has committed. The UNP leadership is afraid of losing Tamil support in the future elections. It is hard to understand this unprincipled conduct of the UNP leadership despite so much death and destruction in the country. They never supported the armed forces to eliminate terrorists hoping that the LTTE will pay back its gratitude to the UNP with a block of Tamil votes. Is it possible for them to work together with the government to eliminate this scourge of terrorism for the last time? No, they cannot because they are profoundly greedy for power. Until the party gets an enlightened leader, who can gauge the pulse of the nation, the UNP has no future.

Tissa Attanayake, as usual, beating the wrong bush, in order to avoid being united against the terrorists. Why don’t these morons understand that the LTTE terrorists have no permanent friends, but a permanent goal: an eelam. They will kill anyone if it suits their goal. The UNP is running after a mirage hoping that the party’s covert “sympathy” for the LTTE terrorists will bear fruits, which will not happen. In the mean time, Ranil Wickremasinghe, Tissa Attanayake, Jayalath Jayawardane will continue to sacrifice unsuspecting and ambitious UNP supporters to the bloodthirsty murderer to save the party leader from internal rebellions.

I personally believe that Janaka Perera, who was one of the most popular war-hero, was misled by the UNP leadreship as he came forward to save the UNP leadership from the internal power struggle. When armed forces captured Thoppigala, UNP leadership said they have captured a useless jungle, and went on to challenge the government and the armed forces to go and capture Kilinochchi if possible. Today armed forces are in the vicinity of Kilinochchi. UNP has no vision now. UNP leadership is becoming a cancer not only to the party but also to the entire country as he has tried to survive politically using a war hero, who is an all time target of LTTE. In recent weeks our brave soldiers have been marching forward to remove the LTTE cancer from our country, and the masses is praying at temples for their lives. Has anyone heard a single word of encouragements from the UNP leadership other than constant criticisms and insults? It is high time that a patriotic man or a woman must come forward and take the leadership of this good old political party for the sake of our motherland.

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