

Prabakaran is either dead or disabled, no doubts

Sisira Pereira, Panadura

Tamilnet has gone empty. There are no re-assuring reports for its readership about the existence of the LTTE leader. There are no articles written to negate the speculations to the effect that the dreaded terror chief is living anymore. There are neither pictures of Prabakaran addressing some gathering of terrorists, individual photos of him garlanding some dead suicide bomber, group photos with fellow terrorrists nor voice clips of his on the Tamilnet to nullify what the terrorist Illanthiriyan claims as government propaganda.

Yet there are a dozen of intelligence and media reports that claim that Prabakaran has been badly injured by the SLAF attacks and that he may be desperately trying to flee the country, possibly to India for treatment. Even some of the Indian media carried reports that the Tamilnadu police have taken steps to check all the hospitals for the alleged admission of Prabakaran for treatment. One source in the Tamilnadu law enforcement had been reported in the media saying, I quote, “We are not sure whether the rumours are true, but we are not taking any chance either”.

India has an efficient intelligence network. Now, if these speculations were mere rumours, would the law enforcement organizations of India go into the trouble of checking door-to-door for a wounded Prabakaran, wasting their resources? That would be quite unlikely.

On previous occasions, when similar rumours spread to the effect that the terrorist chief had been killed or wounded, the Tamilnet made it a point to acquire a photograph of their chief to convince the world that the rumours were unfounded. Yet this time, Tamilnet is silent. The usual counter-evidence in the form of a picture of the “living Prabakaran” have not yet seen the light of the day on the Tamilnet. Illanthiriyan had only a couple of lines to say to deny the reports. And that's all.

Aren’t all these facts point to the fact that our defense forces have been successful in some way in incapacitating the world’s most ruthless terrorist leader, Prabakaran, if not eliminating him for good?

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