

The Dangers Of Continued Tolerance Of The LTTE

Insight By Sunil Kumar For LankaWeb

April 7th 2008

The needless and senseless killing of Highways Minister Jeyraj Fernandopulle has to be an eye opener towards the worthlessness in supporting any future agendas of the LTTE terrorists.A message needs to go out to all those blinkered pundits in the international community as well as some in administrative capacities of western nations and most importantly the Tamil diaspora around the globe who erroneously view the LTTE as freedom fighters that the time is at hand when all support for the Tiger terrorists needs to cease and be replaced by condemnations and revocation of all support for them which in the past and upto the present have lent them wings and platforms towards justifying their criminalities!

This would lead to the irrefutable incarcerations, apprehensions and ultimate deliverance of justice these wretched criminals so rightfully deserve without which neither the Nation of Sri Lanka nor the region of South Asian and in the overall picture perhaps even the entire world would never be free of the scourge of terrorism which is a dangerous cancer fast spreading globally and causing grievous pain and suffering which needs to be removed in its entirety!

Someone who carries a suicide bomb as a tool of liberation is not only a mindless imbecile but a worthless and conscienceless degenerate sub human and it is such an individual who took away the invaluable life of a person as significant as the late Cabinet Minister- Mr. Jeyaraj Fernandopulle who was a symbol of ethnic unity, a tireless worker towards the development of his country with accollades undending for his integrity and impeccable credentials and was the second valuable life after the late Hon. Lakshman Kadirgamar to give his life towards the cause of the very unity between the Tamils and the Sinhala desperately needed that is sadly lacking in Sri Lanka today. They were both killed by mindless terrorists who now need to be brought to justice effectively! not by setting wildfires or beating bushes in the Wanni but by strategically cornering them and eradicating them as one would disease ridden vermin !

Such senseless killings bear testimony to the stark reality that the terrorist do not want any ethnic unity, are not freedom fighters but a group of psychotic killers who have banded together to uphold an impossible dogma and idealogy that suggests there is a path towards ethnic and cultural freedoms through murder, mayhem and wanton killings which any sensible individual with an iota of compassion for his country and countrymen would never even attempt to recognize or implement as they would know the futilities involved and their worthlessness as the main precepts stand for division and destruction which in the eyes of all peace loving tranquil individuals who comprise the human race are synonymous with evil. Is this not time appropriate for the International Community and all others dedicated towards the eradication of Global terrorism to re-think their direction if they still want the Government of Sri Lanka to negotiate a political settlement with the Tamil community under the auspices of terrorists and their terrorist means as opposed to the Tamil Community with sane and non criminal leadership unencumbered by threats and intimidation by weapons carrying terrorists?

In this respect it seems more than appropriate to quote what was recently written in admirable and significant manner relative to the realities of Sri Lanka's dilemma concerning terrorism by LankaWeb Feature writer Charles S Perera where it must be greatly emphasized, recognized towards the message it carries towards Sri Lanka's posterity as well as endorsed in great magnitude that "Terrorists whether in USA, UK, Europe, China, India, Pakistan or Sri Lanka are all terrorists. Assassination for them is the solution of their problems. It is time that the powers which have the means and ability to strike against terrorism should intervene without drawing parallels between one group of terrorists and another, to stop terrorism to continue its destructive march.The new war against violation of human rights, begun by the International Community and its partners, individual followers, media, and organisations should realise that fight against terrorism is primary and fundamental, and stop their interference into countries in their attempt to free themselves from the cancer of terrorism.

The recluse psychopath, Prabhakaran the terrorist leader in Sri Lanka, is not a man worthy of being protected by the Norwegians, E.U and the rest of the International Community. The Tamil diaspora should start rethinking, whether providing financial aid to keep the terrorism to continue in Sri Lanka is a worthy cause. Both the Sinhala and the Tamils may have done wrong towards each other in the past, but is it necessary to continue this hatred for the past errors ? Is it not better to forget the past and make a fresh start for unity, progress, and development of our Nation, and be bound by our different cultures unique to our Island home ?There is continued suffering through terrorism in which both the Tamils and the Sinhala die, in Sri Lanka. It is time that we forget differences, and work together to end terrorism and ethnic unity in Sri Lanka.Let us, at least now, whether we are Tamils , Sinhala, Muslims or of any other Community, get together, forgetting a Mahavamsa mindset, or a homeland concept, and resolve to unite to make our motherland a happy place for every one to live together."

Words well written to depict the idealogy behind it despite the sadness of the times of a great distress within the Nation and a time when another precious life of immense stature, integrity, compassion and patriotism has been needleesly snuffed out together with those which preceded him and a wind of desolation and vast emptiness continues to sweeps across Sri Lanka until it dissipates with the elimination of the LTTE!

It is now upto the powers that be to set right what has been horribly wrong within Sri Lanka for four decades now and has all to do with seeking out and destroying the LTTE in their entirety while hopefully capturing Velupillai Prabhakaran alive!

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