

Tamil rally in Toronto

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent. Gloucester . Ontario . Canada

July 7, 2008

The Editor (Letters)


‘Tamil rally targets ban on outlawed non-profit group”, you said. The banned group is the World Tamil Movement.

This rally in Toronto in the thousands by Tamils waving the ‘Tamil Tiger’ flags celebrating the anniversary of the first suicide attack by the Tamil Tiger, ‘Black Tigers’ identified as Captain Miller on the Sri Lanka Army troops garrisoned at Nelliyadi Central College in Vadamarachchi in Jaffna in 1987, shows their defiance condemning the Conservative government’s decision to fight Tamil Tiger terrorism, and being disrespectful to the Conservative government which opened Canada’s flood gates in the early 1980s for them to enter Canada as refugees.

They say that they are fighting for their freedom. What freedom? They ought to speak to the million Tamils living in the capital Colombo, where their ladies walk the streets with their heads kept high identifying themselves quite proudly that they are from the minority Tamil ethnic group with the crimson thumb prints between their eye brows, who wouldn’t want anything to do with the Tamil Tigers nor their Eelam. They are mad with the Tamil Tiger leader and his supporters in Canada, who are trying to destabilize their rich life in the capital region.

The cab driver who drove me to the airport on June 13^th was a 31 year old well educated Tamil. “Are their lots of Tamils in Canada, Sir,” he asked. “Over 250 thousand of them”, I replied. “They are no good people, Sir. They send money to the Tamil Tigers to fight the war, and they don’t understand that I, my wife and two children 6 and 2 are suffering because of it. I don’t want an Eelam, I was born and bred in Colombo. I am happy here. I will take a bet, Sir, none of those Tamils would want to come to their Eelam leaving Canada, even if they get their separate state,” he responded. “I know what you mean. It is a very good point,” I said.

And that is the story from the million Tamils who are living in harmony with the majority Sinhalese in the south of Sri Lanka. What freedom are they fighting for when they enjoy every bit of freedom in the south in that beautiful island nation?

The war is legitimate since the government is trying to bring law and order to that island and liberate the land and the Tamil people who are under the fascist control of the Tamil Tigers, the most ruthless terrorists in the world, according the UN. It is indeed happening right now, as the government forces are taking back the Tamil Tiger held territory of the past 20 years, liberating the Tamil people and their kids who have been recruited as child soldiers.

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