

India Preemptive Attack on Pakistan Rumoured Threat

Prof. Hudson McLean

This frightening rumour began to circulate within hours after the Terrorists attacked Mumbai Hotels, Railway Station and the Israeli Jewish Center residence. The threat was taken so seriously even the President of Pakistan could not get his words out at the CNN interview.

The Indian Ambassador was invited to Capitol Hill to calm the nerves of the Bush Administration because of both India and Pakistan belong to the Nuclear Club. Behind the scenes, neither India and Pakistan wanted to be the first to pull the Nuclear trigger. However with Indian Prime Minister sitting on a chair with two legs, might have taken a political gamble of scrambling his Indian Air Force as a show of strength of his leadership to strenthen his crumbling prestige at home.

This leads to a question, why should he want to prevent the Sri Lankan President from relieving the Island from forty years of Tamil Terrorist LTTE?
Hopefully, Not because He Loves the Tamils More, but Because He Hates to Lose His Seat even More:

Manmohan Singh must decide whether he supports or condone Terrorism. Period.

He cannot condone Terrorism in his home ground whilst he tends to support Terrorism in his neighbours home! Both tendencies have political motives.

Then he can make one magnanimous gesture to solve all the problems in "one fell swoop" in his Tamil Empire. He might consider, inviting all the Tamils in Sri Lanka who are dissolutioned with the Sinhala regime to South Indian State of Tamil Nadu.

But there are three vital potentially embarrassing considerations-;
First....Will the citizens and the politicians in Tamil Nadu accept their brethren from Sri Lanka into their soil?
Second.... How many of the grumbling Tamils in Sri Lanka would take up the invitation, if that were to happen?
Third.....What whould be the staus of the convicted King Kong Thambi Prabhakaran and his convicted side kick Pottu Amma, if they were to accept this invitation? Would the Indians say, "All is forgiven boys, forget the murder of Rajiv Gandhi, and come and enjoy the Sun, the Sea and the Dosai in Tamil Nadu?

Those double faced Tamil politicians in Tamil Nadu and the likes of Manmohan Singh should think before they let out their gases, lest their own "Shit might Hit the proverbial Fan!"

An Indian Preemptive Strike on Pakistan, might get a Nuclear Bomb rolling, just as a matter of self defense from the Pakistani perspective, which might let many Cats out of the Bag!

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