

Ending Indian Military Support To Sri Lanka Would Be A Circumvention
Of The Responsibility Of Maintaining Collective Regional Security!

©In Retrospect By Sarath Kumara For LankaWeb

Feb 9, 2008

When certain LTTE supportive lackeys from Tamil Nadu led by one Mr.Mani who has a reputation of a muck disturber in favour of the LTTE, attempt to coerce Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony to end military support to Sri Lanka saying it was worsening the situation in the Island it is not only a melodramatic pro LTTE plea but one which shows a blatant disregard to the importance of Regional Security which both Sri Lanka and India view as a foremost priority in the war against the LTTE terrorists and a precursor to encompass any global location in need of the same security under similar circumstances.

Whether it be Periyar or Sinna Dravida Kazhagam ( there being many Khazagams floating around the LTTE supportive enclaves of both India and Sri Lanka) it becomes painfully obvious that the tiny minded rhetoric albeit coming from a few gnatbrained individuals who appear to view the LTTE terrorists as a justifiable entity when a greater proportion of the world thinks to the contrary, have a distinct ring of LTTE propaganda to it and more than likely funded by the same source who are now pulling all stops to prevent their total annihilation which many analysts now believe inevitable!!

The Indian Defence Minister in all wisdom appears to have heard out the Khazagamee's pleas without comment probably fully aware that if the Leaders of both India and Sri Lanka have agreed towards securing the Region of South Asia from the LTTE and any other terrorists it is an issue of collaboration between the two sovereign nations of great significance and not one which is likely to be ursurped by the bleatings of a terrorist supportive lobby.

Minister Antony is reported to have heard carefully what the Tamil nadu Delegation had to say without comment towards commitment which should send out a clear message to the Tamil Nadu political leader concerned that this kind of lobbying in a world plagued by global terrorism, by rights do not have a platform to stand on and that they are lobbying for the preservation of the LTTE terrorists rather than the freedom loving Tamils of Sri lanka who have all but disowned the Tamil Tigers and their dead beat leader Velupillai Prabhakaran Sri Lanka's Public Enemy Number One now said to be Public Enemy On The Run!!

It seems somewhat ludicrous to bring up the issue of the Indian Government's need to respect Tamil sentiments as purported by this lobby group which is somewhat of a misconception as both the sentiments and the rights of all feedom loving Tamils in Sri Lanka have always been a priority of each Administration going back generations although the theory of being hard done by as a result of Sinhalese chauvinism is something which has been implanted amongst some of the disgruntled Tamil Community often gullible over mostly petty issues rather than viewing the real benefits and privileges they enjoyed objectively but proves that a small flame of dissent could easily be fanned and fomented by the fuel of hatred which was the primary weapon of the LTTE and successfully so sadly! The rest is history!

It also seems a travesty of justice for many groups of this nature (PDK) to have agitated so boldly towards relaxing the concerted drive to eliminate the LTTE terrorists by the Sri lankan Armed Forces to which India has now thrown in logistic as well as armamament support regardless of the moderation or intensity entailed as the primary objective behind it is fairly obvious and a matter of Indian Regional Security also.

This is an all important time and strategic time when the Sri Lankan Government has rejected the ceasefire a previous Administration with its own dubious agenda signed with the LTTE.
It seems only logical that the decision which is an all out attempt to wipe out the LTTE terrorists as an alternative to many unsuccessful attempts to mediate with them. The objective of helping Sri Lanka militarily therefore becomes very justifiable where India role in lending support to the cause rather than rescind it seems almost obligatory!

Contrary to the calls from misguided and unqualified flybynight politicians with a pro terrorist agenda, India should affirm its stance in this direction towards eliminating the scourge of terrorism from the entire region!

In the somewhat mistaken analogy drawn between what this apparently pro terrorist delegation leader suggests as the Land of the Mahatma and the Land of the Buddha which most intellectuals acknowledge as one an the same( meaning India ).Furthermore the Mahatma fought against British imperialism rather than tiger terrorism and there the analogy ends! But it is the very tolerance and ahimsa shown to the ruthless terrorists that has prolonged their attrocities which have accounted for needlessly lost civilian life and vast damage to public property which has continued for well over three decades and seems to all intents and purposes on the brink of being quelled where the call for negotiations seems a wasted one which history has proved correct and the LTTE terrorists non negotiable and a die hard unrelenting terror group as well as being non representative of a greater part of the Sri Lankan Tamils towards the greater definition!

Calls towards ending Indian Military support to Sri Lanka's war against terrorism therefore would be a call towards circumventiing India's responsibility towards maintaining collective Regional Security and any person or persons calling for it should undergo psychiatric evaluation perhaps as a party to the psychotic idealogies of the LTTE who are much deserving of being brought to justice!!

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