

Pro LTTE Amnesty International Exposed-Here is the Proof.

By Srimal Fernando, Colombo-08-06-2008

On the 6th June (three days ago) Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorists exploded a claymore bomb targeting a crowded public transport bus at Katubedda, Moratuwa killing 22 innocent passengers and injuring over 60. On the same day, the LTTE terrorists carried out another explosion inside a public transport bus killing 2 civilians and injuring 20 other passengers at Polgolla, Kandy. It is important to note that the Sri Lankan people and the government Sri Lanka are at the moment, faced with the most inhuman, brutal and ruthless terrorist organization in the world.

But, the irony is that while people are getting killed daily by Tamil terrorist bombs, the Amnesty International in London is issuing inane statements and organizing demonstrations against the government of Sri Lanka and keeping dead silent on terrorist activities.

Despite of the carnage, the outright understanding in Sri Lanka is that the Amnesty International is an extremely hypocritical and insincere vociferous human rights organisation working covertly with similar deceitful organisations to achieve their ulterior motives of propping up the most ruthless terrorist organisation of the world "The Tamil Terrorists". By doing so, they believe, these organisations are trying to destabilise Sri Lanka first and then disrupt the rapid economic growth in the region in the long run. A former director from the Amnesty International U.S. (Francis Boyle) has already represented the Tamil terrorists in Geneva in 2005 at a meeting with the E.U.

This activity is published through Pro Terrorist Websites - Tamil Net, topix

What are they going to achieve by supporting terrorists?

The Sri lankan analysts believe that by making Tamil Terrorism more prominent in the Southern tip of the Indian Subcontinent, the western world through their covert operations can influence them to disrupt the most important shipping lane in South East Asia through which thousands of vessels carry oil from the Middle East and raw materials to China, Taiwan, Hongkong and Japan, returning with Heavy Machineries, Cars, television sets, toys and sneakers for European consumers.

As recent news report says, these tankers provide 80 percent of China's oil and 65 percent of India's - fuel desperately needed for the two countries' rapidly growing economies. Japan, too, is almost totally dependent on energy supplies shipped through the Indian Ocean.

Any disruption - from terrorism, piracy, natural disaster or war - could have devastating effects on these countries and, in an increasingly interdependent world, send ripples across the globe.
When an unidentified ship attacked a Japanese oil tanker travelling through the Indian Ocean from South Korea to Saudi Arabia in April, the news sent oil prices to record highs.

"The ultimate effect will be that the terrorism in this region can slow down their economic progress and this is exactly what the Western world looking for" the analyst remarked.

More references;

New Sri Lanka port seen as strategic move -Full Report-(

India, China compete in Indian Ocean -Full Report-(iht-07/06/08)




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