



The terrorist outfit getting battered from the three-pronged attack of our ground forces and getting precision bombed and fired by the Air Force and the Navy and seeing the imminent finale round the corner is making every effort possible under the sky to prevent or prolong their end of the long aggressive journey. These efforts include creating a fear phychosis in Sri Lanka's free and uninhibited areas, use of shameless and antinational power hungry as well as chauvinist Sri Lankan politicians, and media dogs to undermine and ridicule the achievements of the security forces, deploy the foreign funded NGO vultures and the embassy rogues to pressurise the government internationally through outfits serving for implementation of neo-colonialist agendas, and exploit the Tamil diaspora of economic refugee terrorists to lobby and instigate boorish parliamentarians and politicians in the West to work against the government and demand sanctions and halt the Northern operation.

To strengthen the scallywags of anti-Sri Lankan and anti-security forces referenced above, and to help, aid and assist them succeed in their mischief making fixtures the terrorist outfit has meticulously formulated a series of programmes as part of their overall war strategy against the legitimate Sri Lankan nation. These include:

  • Transportation of explosives, suicide belts and claymore mines to Sri Lanka 's free and uninhibited areas with the help of non-Tamil paid agents and treacherous collaborators;
  • Creating a fear psychosis among the masses by sending chain SMS and e-mail messages and giving telephone calls to schools and other institutions threatening of possible bomb blasts and other forms of killings and murders. Desperate and opportunist politicians and their cronies, lured by provision of cash and other luxuries, are being deployed in this task. Even I happened to receive these e-mail messages sent by some e-mail proxies as well as some innocent persons alarmed by these chain messages. Further, there were some threatening calls to main schools in Matara by these power hungry proxy rascals and their cronies last week. Such calls have been received in Schools in other towns too on different days;
  • Fund the rag sheets working against the government and sponsor media dogs working in such rag sheets. As per the, the website dedicated for establishing a global Tamil State (with Prabhakaran's so-called 80 million Tamils) except Sunday Leader, all other newspapers and websites in Sri Lanka are Sinhala owned newspapers and websites from Sinhala Sri Lanka;
  • Blasting parcel bombs and claymore mines in buses and other public places causing death and injury to unarmed innocent civilians by deploying the dormant terrorists sent to Colombo and other areas under the cover of recently abrogated horrendous Ceasefire Agreement;
  • Immediately after such a blast highly activate the treacherous media dogs to unleash a vigorous onslaught through print and electronic media accusing the government and the security forces for endangering the life and property of the innocent masses and demanding a halt to what they call the unwinnable war and also calling for the resignation of the Defence Secretary and Service Commanders. Paid servants hiding under the garb of politicians too join in echoing this chorus;
  • Prompt the beastly species of the current epoch the NGO vultures who venerate none but foreign currency to bring down R2P neo-colonialist and Human Rights pundits to incriminate the government of human rights violation and demand to cease military operations in the North;
  • Use the treacherous political opportunists to solicit help of rogue and neo-colonialist elements in the Colombo Embassies to canvass their governments to be critical of the Sri Lankan government;
  • Instigate the economic refugees in the West who label themselves as “Tamil Diaspora” to brainwash and mislead the boorish MPs in the West who are ignorant of Sri Lankan issues, by emphasizing the importance of their vote blocks to these politicians and blackmail them to accuse the Sri Lankan government of discriminating against the Tamils and demand for autonomy/separation;
  • Use innocent civilians and children as human shields and deliberately make them victims of bomb blasts and splash photographs of such victims through websites blaming the government for indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians;
  • Provoke Tamil racist politicians by shooting down Tamil Nadu fishermen(under the guise of Sri Lanka navy) to mislead the Indian government leaders and seek the assistance of Tamil Nadu racist politicians to smuggle in arms, fuel and other military material, including boats and vessels;
  • Carry out claymore mine attacks in areas under its occupation victimising school children, religious dignitaries and prominent personalities and accuse the government of carrying out such attacks;

Under this context there is every reason to believe that Wednesday's claymore mine attack on TNA MP Mr. Sivanesan can be a propaganda stunt of the terrorist gang to blame the government of murdering not only innocent civilians but even the “elected” (although they were not elected in the actual sense) representatives of the masses. The statement made by the UNP that “ He is the third TNA M.P. and the fourth Parliamentarian to have been assassinated since the dawn of the New Year” is a clear indication of UNP's contribution to the terrorist propaganda aimed at discrediting the image of the nation.

The enormous activities being carried out by the Police Department in arresting dormant terrorists, unearthing explosives, arresting treacherous paid servants in the Police etc., are highly commendable.

Undoubtedly the terrorist menace is in its last leg at present. However, it is not possible for the security forces alone or the government alone to handle the multi pronged attack being unleashed by the terrorists with the help of treacherous anti-national collaborators and paid servants of the terrorists.

The time has dawned for all patriotic masses to join this last battle enmasse in whatever form they could contribute. Other than joining the security forces, contribution could be made by the patriotic masses in the following manner:

  • Help the Civil Defence Committees to identify suspicious persons, and to maintain vigilance in the neighbourhood;
  • Help security forces to maintain road blocks, search vehicles etc;
  • Expose the anti-national and pro-terrorist activities by media personnel;
  • Join the Patriotic Organisations and strengthen their splendid efforts against anti national activities by NGO rogues, Embassy scallywags, political opportunists, racist politicians, and the so-called international neo-colonialists visitors;
  • Form Patriotic Organisation by overseas resident Sri Lankans all over the world and vigorously confront the economic refugee Tamil Diaspora and expose their terrorist, antisocial, and fund raising activities in those countries and relentlessly demand the Western governments to curb these activities and deport the rogue elements;

In conclusion I would like to quote a dialogue relating to betraying the nation I heard from a foreign TV drama recently. It said that betraying the nation for money and other inducement are tantamount to raping their own mothers. So, let us rise against these rapists of their own mothers and put a permanent end to the terrorist menace.



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