

The President, Ministers, and the Commanders of the Security Forces, should not take unnecessary risks putting into danger their own lives, and that of others.

By Charles.S.Perera

Each time a VIP is assassinated or terrorists make a daring attack on persons or material, it is found to be the result of a breach of security. There had been far too many security breaches, to let the recent breach of security in which an important Minister of the Government was assassinated, go without a thorough investigation to find out the reason for such lapses, and take corrective steps to see that such breaches are not repeated ever again. Those who are placed in charge of security of persons or material should be vigilant through out, without leaving a minute pass without alert attention.

Those who are put in charge of security should be well screened , to check their suitability , health conditions, their back ground- such as the places visited, and people they had associated, immediately before an assignment, without leaving any thing for granted. The duty of the security officers is after all to provide security, and if there is a breach of such security , it means that they have not carried out their duties, and should therefore be punished, and replaced by others who are more duty conscious.

A security officer's negligence, which puts into risk the life of the VIP to whom security is being provided, and indirectly put in risk the lives of other people with or around the VIP, should be treated as a criminal offence, subjecting the security officers responsible to appropriate punishment.

The VIPs despite their being provided with security, should not leave the security of themselves in the hands of the security officers, but use their intelligence and commonsense not to take unnecessary risks. The VIPs before advancing towards a crowd of persons should verify by questioning the appropriate persons, that proper security measures have been taken, as a terrorist who would blast a bomb will not target one particular person. A VIP should not forget that the breach of security also puts in danger the lives of the persons around him.

In the present dangerous situation in the counrty, the President, the Ministers and the Commanders of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, should avoid taking unnecessary risks by attending Birth Day Parties, Weddings, funerals, declaring open of roads, schools, sports meets, and other functions, where the possibility of terrorists attack could be expected.

The security depends both on the officers in charge of security, and the VIP himself. Everything should not be left in the hands of those who are providing security.

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