


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

A meaning of the democracy can be expressed as a government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. In the phrase of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a government "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

When the Freedom of Speech is abused, a country can face enormous amount of threat to its security. The same is quite true today for Sri Lanka. Any country in the world has traitors of its own. That is an absolute truth and unfortunately in Sri Lanka, there are major political parties with hundreds of political leaders with traitorous agenda. The current UNP party with the leadership of 'Ranil the traitor' is producing hundreds of traitors to the country. When Ranil opens his mouth, the security of Sri Lanka is threatened. When his followers like Tissa, Vajira and Jayalath are speaking, the terrorists are gaining. How long can Sri Lanka tolerate this danger?

When Wimal Weerawansa left JVP, the true colours of JVP started to emerge vehemently. Having the responsibility of launching an insurgency in April 1977 thus giving the rehearsal to the Wanni terrorists, the JVP takes the side of the Wanni theorists openly today by trying to topple the people's government in various occasions.

No doubt that the present government will win this budget also easily but that is not the point. It is imperative that the traitorous UNP and the JVP party shall be taught the last and the everlasting lesson.

The Sri Lankan people have become irritatingly fed up with these traitorous moves by the UNP and the JVP. It is understood that these pro-terrorist UNP and JVP leaders are being closely investigated by the Sri Lankan and international intelligent bodies and they will be charged for their respective crimes soon. The patriotic act has vested adequate powers with the intelligent agents to tackle any person who compromises the security of the country and these powers had not been executed effectively so far.

The time has come to clean up the country from these utterly dangerous politicians of the south and immediate action shall be implemented.

It is extremely commendable, the recent comments by Mr. Rukman Senanayake regarding the liberation of the East and the North from the Wanni terrorists. According to many pundits, this great speech given by Mr. Senanayake itself shall be a great foundation for a long due overhauling of the party UNP.

The Tamil intruder, who controls the present JVP, has successfully executed his hidden agenda with the Wanni terrorists and hijacked JVP successfully. In other words, the party JVP which vowed to safe guard the security of Sri Lanka at any cost once, has sided with the terrorists and trying to destroy the country desperately in the same manner.

In this juncture, the true Sri Lankan nation has the sole responsibility of eliminating Ranil, Tissa, Kiriella, Vajira, Jayalath and other UNP traitors with JVP anti-Sri Lankan from the Sri Lankan theater of politics for good.

It is not very far the day that some traitors dream shall be shattered by the ever brave Sri Lankan forces and the security personnel and the country shall be united once again for ever.
Some peace loving Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and others have already started to celebrate the victory of the defeat of the Wanni terrorists and the celebrations shall be spread over to the whole country and to the world soon.

There shall not be any pause for this operation of liberation in the East and the North and the terrorists shall be wiped off at the shortest time.

Long Live Sri Lankan President Rajapaksha and Brave Security Forces!
Long Live all Peace Loving Sri Lankans!
Long Live Sri Lanka!

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