


By Charles.S.Perera

The webword dictionary defines Joker as:

(1) A person who enjoys telling or playing jokes

(2) A person who does something thoughtless or annoying

(3) An inconspicuous clause in a document or bill that affects its meaning in a way that is not immediately apparent

(4) A playing card that is usually printed with a picture of a jester.

Now which definition of the word Joker, could be applied to the Tamil Nadu Politicians, who follow Karunanidhi demanding a cease fire in Sri Lanka ?

It is no doubt the first " A person who enjoys telling or playing jokes." But the point is they do not seem to be enjoying their jokes. Therefore, we may accept the second definition of joker- "A person who does(says) something thoughtless or annoying." , as applying to these Tamil Nadu Politicians dancing to the tune of the aged Karunanidhi and his daughter Kanimozi.

What are the basic facts ? Why is it a joke ? and why are the persons peddling this demands jokers ?

What are the basic facts ?

The fact is the terrorism in Sri Lanka. The government of Sri Lanka, tried to reason things out with the terrorists, and tried several peace negotiations to settle their problem peacefully, but the terrorists stubbornly continued their terrorism demanding a separate Eelam State.

As the government could not accede to their demand of a separate Eelam State, there was no other solution available to the Government of Sri Lanka, but to militarily retaliate when ever the terrorists attacked civilians exploding claymore bombs, shoot people who did not accede to their demands of ransom with hit and run pistol gangs, or used suicide bombs and snipers to kill political leaders, army and security officials.

And finally when the terrorists began closing sluice gates of tanks, depriving water to thousands of farmers , the government sent the army to open the sluice gates. Since then the government resorted to the only available alternative of the military solution to stop terrorists from causing terror, and savage brutality.


Why is it a joke ?

It is these Tamil Nadu Karunanidhi followers interfering to stop the Sri Lanka Government from fighting against terrorists, which is a joke in the sense of the dictionary definition (2) A person who does(says) something thoughtless or annoying. Because, the terrorism in Sri Lanka is a purely internal affair of the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka. As any such government the Sri Lanka government would also like to organise itself and carry out its projects uninterrupted by any foreign interventionists. Therefore, the Karunanidhi following Tamil Nadu politicians , because they are Tamils , by nomenclature, intervening to defend the terrorists is "something thoughtless and annoying", therefore it is a joke.


Why do we call Tamil Nadu politicians such as Vaiko, Nedumaran, following Karunanidhi and Kanimozi, who demand the Central Government of India to ask the Government of Sri Lanka to declare a cease fire, jokers ?

The group of terrorists in Sri Lanka, have their origin in the Sri Lanka Tamil Community. But all the Tamils do not agree with the terrorists. Hence all the Tamils are not terrorists. The terrorists are a group of persons, quite apart from the Tamil Community in Sri Lanka, who want a separate Eelam State for themselves. Both the Tamils and the Terrorists, are Sri Lankans. Therefore both the terrorism and the Tamil people are the responsibility of the government of Sri Lanka and no body else. The first- the terrorists are to be removed , and the second- the Tamil population is to be protected. They are both the responsibility of the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka.

And that responsibility the Government of Sri Lanka has taken on it self. Therefore, the Sri Lanka government is fighting to end terrorism, after having declared that if the terrorists want a cease fire they should lay down their arms and call for negotiations. The terrorists should be able to understand that, without being prompted by others.

The Tamil Nadu politicians like Karunanidhi, Vaiko and others, demanding the Government of Sri Lanka through the Central government of India for an unconditional ceasefire, is doing something thoughtless or annoying according to the dictionary definition of a Joker. Therefore, we call these uncalled for interfering politicians Jokers.

In fact Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister of India in having said , " India would do everything possible to find a political solution to the Sri Lankan Tamils' issue in view of their sufferings due to the ongoing fight between the armed forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)" , also comes under the category of persons, according to the dictionary definition of a Joker, -A person who does something thoughtless or annoying. Therefore, Manmohan Singh is also a Joker.

And lastly, Malin Abeytunga in an article to Lankaweb on 9.12.2008 "India Stop interfering with Sri Lanka's Sovereignty" says, "….. After the Mumbai attack, Pranab speaking to the press said that if Pakistan does not cooperate with India to hound the terrorists that India will not hesitate even to declare war against Pakistan. Imagine that Pranab declares war against Pakistan on Mumbai attack and at the same time coming to Sri Lanka to persuade the GoSL for a cease fire with LTTE. Isn't it a damn mockery of Indian politics? Mind your politics. What is good for the goose is not good for the gander."

That statement of Pranab Mukerjhee quoted by Malin Abeytunga, also falls into the category of , a person who does (says) something thoughtless or annoying, in the definition of a joker. Therefore? Pranab Mukerjhee is also a Joker.

They are all jokers because they interfere into things that do not concern them. Karunanidhi, Vaiko and company have still not made a statement, about the terrorist attack in Mumbai in which more than 200 people were killed and 300 people wounded. And the joker Vaiko went to London to speak to the British MPs to help the terrorists in Sri Lanka, while Mumbai was burning, what great Indian patriots these "jokers" showed themselves to be.

If these Tamil Nadu politicians are concerned about the terrorists in Sri Lanka because the Sri Lankan terrorits' sworn attempt to create a Eelam State would end if they are eliminated by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces, they can start creating their own Eelam State in Tamil Nadu. Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukerjhee may assist them in their endeavour.

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