


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

The perpetrators get funds from the terrorists and the advisors of the same pay roll side with them. The same is absolutely true regarding the present joker General Secretary Moon. The money which the terrorists raise is banked in known countries and they shall be prosecuted. All Terrorist backers shall also be brought into justice and the people shall weigh the committed atrocities by those pro-terrorists and decide their fate accordingly. Exactly the same is true again for the present UN chief.
Alas, what happened to a great international body! There were way better competitors for the post of UN General Secretary especially from Sri Lanka also, and the underworld acted against. It does not matter if the elected is just, fair and firm. The problem is he has become another puppet of the jokers.

If the present General Secretary of the UN cannot see the good from bad and democracy from the terrorism simply, better go home and help the family!

If not, he can go to the moon from the terrorist's help which even sponsoring someone to the moon is not a big deal from the funds they had collected and raised from NGOs, drug trafficking, selling suicide tactics to the other worldwide terrorists and all other underworld operations.

The decent international community leaders shall remove these kinds of UN leaders immediately without letting any other disaster to take place like Sept 11 took place exactly seven years ago.
Ban Ki-Moon better study about Wanni Terrorists connection with 9/11 terrorists before siding with them.

How can normal people's money be spent as salaries on such pro-terrorist General Secretaries?
Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela, Jimmy Carter who acted jointly against Sri Lanka recently in the UN have also been fallen into the shameful category as Ban Ki-Moon in respect to the affairs of terrorism and the corresponding propaganda. There shall be no other way to address them other than their names for the disgraceful acts they commit.

Senator Barack Obama also should read and study about international politics better before uttering about the same. A President of a country should not do mere mistakes, which can be heavily costlier.

God Bless the World!

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