



Army Commander Sarath Fonseka’s recent comments labeling some sections of Indian Tamils as Jokers has had the desired results. Indian Tamils are now looking like Pregnant Violins as Sri Lanka is shaping not to listen to Indian’s Tamil music from Tamil Nadu. When late Rajiv Gandhi visited SL, Wijemuni Vijitha Rohana De Silva, a soldier attacked the Premier with his gun, injuring RG’s shoulder. That was a fine demonstration of the anger of Sri Lakans towards India. Why shouldn’t Sri Lankans be angry towards India?. China, Russia, Pakistan, USA, Australia, Canada and even Iran are openly supportive of SL in its efforts to eradicate terrorism and bring peace, but big brother India is doing every destructive action to nullify these efforts.

If Tamils wants a country of their own, make Tamil Nadu an independent country, but don’t mess around with Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka has never been short of heroes and will never be! By reading opposing views of Tamils to various websites, it is alarmingly clear of their anger towards us. Some Indians think that they are superior human beings and they are superior to Sri Lanka. Indian’s lack of superiority became abundantly clear when Mumbai was attacked recently, where Indian Security forces were hibernating for 48 hours. Indian Army and its security forces are a lazy bunch, to say the least. If India has a terrorist problem like what we have in Sri Lanka, India would have succumbed already.

Army Commander and his team must finish the job as fast as possible. Our Army will then be as good as Israel forces. Indian army can carry the wooden spoon.

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