


By Walter Jayawardhana

The "Api Wenuwen Api" variety entertainment program performed by artists from Army ,Navy and Airforce has earned more than 94,000 British Pounds to be contibuted to the very ambitious housing projects cureently being built for the serving soldiers and the disabled ones.

"In a simple ceremony at the Sri Lanka High High Commission in London the organizing committees of the of the of the London, Birmingham and Manchaster Api Wenuwen Api programs handed over a check worth UK Pounds 94,108 to Sri Lankan envoy Nihal Jayasinghe," said Brigadier Pasad Samarasinghe , the chief organizer of the events.

The High Commissioner accepting the check on behalf of the government said the September events held in and around London where the artists of the tri-forces performed were a tremendous success. The amount collected is close to 17 million Sri Lankan Rupees.

Presenting the accounts Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe said the three shows held in London ,Birmingham and Manchaster have earned a net profit of more than 94000 Pounds as a sincere appreciation for the great services rendered by the security forces of Sri Lanka in their heroic effort to jealously protect the integrity of Sri Lanka.

High Commissioner Jayasinghe said on the occasion he would like to take the opportunity to extend his sincere appreciation to all the Sri Lankans who rose to the occasion and made generous contributions towards the "Api Wenuwen Api" fund raising programme demonstrating their patriotism and concern for the service personnel. While thanking the organizing committee for a job well done, he commended the commitment and sense of responsibility demonstrated by the committee members throughout the events

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