

Norway seeks India 's mediation to end Sri Lankan conflict
Oslo's special peace envoy, Jan Hansson Bauer says -Norway opposes 'external' solution to Lanka conflict

Noor Nizam. Sri Lanka Peace Activist Canada

The statement made by Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer, at a two day meeting that ended late Friday in Norway that Oslo would be more than happy to back "any solution endorsed by the Sri Lankan people" is NOT the truth stated by a Norwegian Foreign Office official of Mr. Bauer's status.

A meeting was held with Oslo 's special peace envoy Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer who sat in for Hon. Erik Solhiem in the office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Oslo on Monday the 28th., August 2006. This meeting was attended by me and a renounced Canadian Professor of Communication Studies and French. At this meeting, apart from other matters of mutual political and international relations and interests concerning humanitarian assistance, we were to discuss the possibilities of promoting a joint Norwegian - Canadian suggestion to stop the violence and killings by the LTTE and the Security in Sri Lanka and to promote an indigenous solution with inclusion of the Muslim factor which solution to be endorsed by the Tamils, Sinhalese and the Muslims. Mr Jon Hanssen-Bauer said at this meeting to us - that the killings will have to go on for at least the next 4 years, by when a solution to the issues can be found by the international interests.

How come NOW Mr. Bauer made the statement at the two day Norwegian meeting - that Oslo would be more than happy to back "any solution endorsed by the Sri Lankan people". Why did he (Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer) at that meeting fail to respond to a suggestion to stop the violence and to promote an indigenous solution with inclusion of the Muslim factor.

This is the most hypocritic statement ever to have been made by a Norwegian Foreign Ministry Official in the context of the present scenario of the abrogation of the CFA.

Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer and Norway have cheated the Tamils, Sinhalese and the Muslims of Sri Lankan and have subjected our people to great misery and sufferings since Norway 's engagement as the "so-called Peace facilitators to the ethnic conflict.

The Peace facilitator later also named the Peace negotiator (Norway) gained fame as the "SAVIOUR" of PEACE in Sri Lanka, but in reality they brought destruction and sufferings to Sri Lanka, when successful negotiations could have been concluded much earlier if Norway really wanted to do so.

The facilitating team (Hon. Erik Solhiem, Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer (Norway) misguided the dedicated Tamils, Sinhalese and the Muslims for their personal international diplomatic fame as the "SAVIOUR NATION" of Peace in conflict zones and countries. The TRUTH that this was a FALSE prophecy has now been revealed to the whole world in the context of the abrogation of the CFA. Now, Norway should not misguide the International community to regain entry into the activities of "REAL PEACE" that Regional friendly nations in the Indian Ocean region are engaging in finding a resolution to the conflict in Sri Lanka .

Though India has been slow and very careful in how to handle the situation in Sri Lankan in the aftermath of it's IPKF experiences and the killing of the late Hon. Rajiv Ghandi, the geo-political scenario in the region has given India new impetus to get re-activated in the "peace process" in Sri Lanka . Added to this is the unshaken trust HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa and his government has in the Indian political administration and the events leading to the recent diplomatic relations including the bilateral relations that have further nourished the very good understanding between the two close neighbourly countries.

Moreover, the democratizing of the political atmosphere in the conflict areas and an "open arm" invitation to India by HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa to take a lead role in working towards a pragmatic Peace resolution to the issues is an inducement for India not to be an observer any more. Sri Lanks's stand that India has a major role to play in the resolution and the need for joint efforts to the resolution, taking into account the impact that the Tamil population of nearly 90 million Tamils in South India could have in a failed Peace process sooner or later, definitely brings much political stability and advantages to India as a whole, when Indian engages to help Sri Lanka and the Sri Lankan Tamils to resolve the issues as reasonable it should be to all the three communities, the Tamils, Sinhalese and the Muslims.

It is these "realities" overshadowing the failure of the Norwegian Peace engagements that has made Oslo 's special peace envoy Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer to state that Norway is urging India to play a more proactive role in the Sri Lankan conflict by mediating between the Government and the LTTE and it stands ready to fully support such an initiative. Sri Lanka has to be very cautious and mindful of this political conspiracy that the so-called Norwegian special peace envoy in placing before HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa.

The Norwegians may feel safe to use the two-day Oslo meeting organised by the Art of Living Foundation of Indian spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar over the weekend, to enable the Norwegians to be made party to the Indian initiatives strongly suggested by the Sri Lankan government. Mr. Jon Hassen-Bauer would have felt it fit to promote the likes of among others who took part in the conference like India's MDMK leader Vaiko, Members of European Parliament Hon. Erika Mann and Hon. Niraj Deva, Prof Rajiv Wijesinha of the Sri Lankan Peace Secretariat, Colin Archer of the International Peace Bureau (Switzerland), Sri Lankan MP Hon. Jayalath Jayawardene and the Ven. Maduluvave Sobitha Nayaka Thera, to instigate HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa to include Norway once again in the Peace process activities. But the fact remains clear that none of the above personalities can succeed in changing the mindset of HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Moreover, Prof. Rajiv Wijesinha of the Sri Lankan Peace Secretariat will never be able to be influenced with a trip to Oslo to accomplish this "brokerage task" for Norway and Mr. Jon Hassen-Bauer. It is also very clear why the Norwegians are acting in such a manner – a desperate diplomatic/non-diplomatic move to get "personalities" from India and the international community having some clout with the Tamil communities both in Sri Lanka and India to carry the message to the Sri Lankan government and that too, specially to HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa to extend an official invitation to Norway .

The statement made by Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer to the Daily Mirror reporter Ms. Amila Najimuddin - "We have always supported the Sri Lankan government and are hopeful that an invitation will soon be extended to us by both parties to re-enter the facilitation process",
has to be given much thought.

Did the Norwegians think that the JVP infighting and the splitting of the anti-Norwegian political group just now is the right moment to approach HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa to give Norway a "soft thought" to be invited to part-take in a new Peace process/dialogue with India playing the main role.

Do the Norwegians now feel that running behind India will bring them back the lost prestige in the International community as the "Saviours of Peace" in conflict zones/nations. Or are the Norwegians planning a more elaborate commercial/politico operation in the run-up to the oil drilling adventures of the government of Sri Lanka in the near future. But to those who know well the Norwegian sinister moves, the future is very fearful if the Norwegians get involved once again in any engagement in the Sri Lankan Peace activities.

HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Sri Lankan government should be very vigilant not to allow Norway to get involved again in the matters of "PEACE ACTVITIES" concerning the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka . HE. Mahinda Rakapaksa should make sure that the Norwegians do not get involved again in the national interest of the country.

Belonging to a Tamil Speaking minority community in Sri Lanka and a longstanding Peace Activist, my advice to Mr. Jon Hanssen-Bauer ( Norway ) is to leave the Sri Lankans alone please. Enough is enough of your treachery of conspiracies and political manipulations of our people, let they be Tamils, Sinhalese or Muslims, which has led to destruction, loss of lives (young and old) and misery to a people who trusted you ( Norway ) to achieve PEACE, and that too honourable PEACE. Please kindly leave the people of Sri Lanka alone and they will find a solution by themselves which will be endorsed by the Tamils, Sinhalese and the Muslims.

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