

Sri Lanka plays role in preparation for the UN Anti-Racism Review Conference

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva

15th October 2008

Sri Lanka has been playing a significant role in the preparatory process of the Durban Review Conference, which the United Nations Human Rights Council will hold between 20 and 24 April 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Following the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action at the World Conference against Racism in 2001 in Durban, South Africa, the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution 61/149 of 2006, decided to convene this review conference in 2009 on the implementation of the Durban Programme of Action.

In view of the upcoming review conference and upon recommendation made by the Asian Group Co-ordinator, the Ambassador/Permanent Representative of China, the Asian Group of the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed Sri Lanka's Ambassador H.E. Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka as the facilitator to negotiate an outcome document of the Asian Region.

Subsequent to this appointment, Counsellor O.L. Ameer Ajwad of the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka chaired the Human Rights Expert Level Meetings of the Asian Group and led the negotiations at the expert level to produce a draft outcome document on behalf of the Asian Region.
Following intense negotiations at Ambassadorial level, this draft document entitled "Contribution of the Asian region to the Durban review conference" was endorsed by consensus by the Ambassadors/Permanent Representatives of the Asian Group, at a meeting chaired by Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka on 8th September 2008 in the Palais de Nations in Geneva.

Ambassador Jayatilleka was thanked and congratulated by the Asian Ambassadors for his leadership and Counsellor Ameer Ajwad for his tireless efforts in achieving this consensual and successful outcome within a short span of time, bringing together all diverse views of the Asian Region on this issue. On behalf of the facilitator, the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva then transmitted the Asian Regional Outcome document to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

In order to facilitate the process of negotiations on the five Chapters of the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference, the Preparatory Committee of Durban Review Conference decided to appoint five Facilitators from five regional groups.

Following the success in facilitating the regional outcome document, the Asian Group unanimously nominated Ambassador Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka to represent Asian Region as Facilitator for what is expected to be among the most difficult and contentious negotiations of the Durban Review Conference, Chapter V which deals with "Identification of further concrete measures and initiatives at all levels for combating and eliminating all manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in order to foster the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action".

Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka and Counsellor O.L. Ameer Ajwad are presently chairing the negotiations on Chapter V of the second Substantive session of the Preparatory Committee for the Durban Review Conference.

Nigeria, Argentina, Turkey and Russia, are facilitating Chapters I, II, III & IV of the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference respectively.

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