

Sri Lanka Peace Chief praises Nordic ceasefire monitors for good job under difficult conditions

Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP)

16th January 2008

Professor Rajiva Wijesinha, Secretary General of the Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process, today praised the Sri Lanka Monitor Mission (SLMM) for doing a good job on the whole in monitoring adherence to the Ceasefire Agreement under difficult conditions.

He made the remarks at a farewell luncheon for members of the SLMM hosted by the Peace Secretariat.

"There were many ups and downs in the monitoring of the Ceasefire Agreement but despite these the SLMM in general carried out its task well," the Secretary General said in his luncheon remarks. "The members of the SLMM team did an exemplary job often risking their lives because of their exposure to hostile actions of the LTTE," he said.

Retired Maj. Gen. Lars Solvberg, Head of the SLMM in Sri Lanka, said the group's experience in Sri Lanka had been enriching and said SLMM members hoped to maintain ties to the Peace Secretariat and Sri Lanka. Gen. Solvberg said upon his return to Norway he intended to prepare a report on SLMM's work experience in Sri Lanka and on the lessons learned relating to the monitoring process.

SLMM is shutting down its operation after nearly six years in Sri Lanka following abrogation of the agreement by the Government of Sri Lanka.

The Secretary General expressed special appreciation for the service of Per Sander Skarvik, head of SLMM's offices in the Eastern Region. In 2003, Mr. Skarvik detected arms aboard an LTTE vessel which had been intercepted by the Sri Lankan Navy. The peace monitor had to jump overboard to save his life when the LTTE blew up the ship on detection of its lethal cargo.

The Secretary General also expressed his gratitude for SLMM's efforts to establish a close working relationship with local monitors in the six districts and hoped that the close relationship will continue in the future.

At a later farewell reception given by the Norwegian Ambassador Tore Hattrem, the SCOPP Chief expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to meet the local staff of the SLMM and reiterated his appreciation of the work of the current Head of Mission. It is hoped that, if SCOPP receives a report on the entire operation from the SLMM, it will be able to build on the experience to to develop mechanisms for restoring confidence between all communities in advancing the peace process. Following an appreciation of the work of the SLMM by the Ambassador, the SCOPP Chief reiterated Sri Lanka's gratitude to the monitors who hade been under much pressure at times.

Particular mention was made of Mr. Bleymann, who had been fired on by the LTTE while performing his duties as a naval monitor in 2006. Despite the difficulties of the period, the SLMM under its current head had done much to restore confidence and SCOPP appreciated its cooperation over the preceding year.

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