

Tamil Tigers cannot be crushed says Sivaji Lingam still hypnotised by the mental image of mighty Prabhakaran.

By Charles.S.Perera

In an article in Yahoo India News, Shivaji Lingam of TNA visiting India had said that Sri Lanka Tamil Tiger guerrillas can never be vanquished militarily.

We have read about King Ravana's brother Kumbhakarna- a giant, , who slept for six months and woke up only for a day to eat every thing within reach and sleep again. Ravana thought Kumbakarna was invincible. When he was to go to war against Rama, he was sure to win with his giant of a brother Kumbhakarna on his side. He woke Kumbakarna with great difficulty, and sent him to fight against the armies of Rama. Kubhakarna devastated Rama's army injuring Hanuman , knocking Sugreeva the King of Monkeys' senseless. But Rama killed him. When Ravana was informed of his brother's fate he fainted.

No body is invincible, Tamil tiger terrorists will not be an exception. What is the role Mr. Sivaji Lingam wants India to play to bring peace to Sri Lanka. ? Is it to play the part of Kumbharna ?

Ranil Wickramsinghe with his associate Bradman Weerakone and Solheim helped the Terrorists to build a strong military force with modern artillery, arms, ammunitions of different calibre, modern communication material, and to top it all a CFA- a licence to kill, murder, or massacre with impunity. The Sri Lanka armed forces were holding on to their age old guns , and out dated heavy arms, so small before the Goliath of terrorists, created by Ranil Wickramsinghe ably supported by the Norwegians.

The news was spread that the Terrorists have the most modern armed force, that cannot be beaten by the Security Forces of Sri Lanka, and the only way out of the impasse was to negotiate a political settlement. The Terrorists were so sure of their armed strength, they made the Government shiver before them in their fake peace talks. Balasinghama said that Prabhakaran was their President and Prime Minister. The terrorists were asking the government for the impossible, which they were so sure of getting - a separate Homeland for the Tamils. They ridiculed the Government, meeting the government representative in equal terms as Political Leaders, Commanders, Colonels , Police Chiefs, and Legal Advisers.

That was all before the Presidential elections that brought Mahinda Rajapakse into power as the President of Sri Lanka. After being elected as the President, Mahinda Rajapakse lost no time to settle the problem with terrorist. He invited the terrorist leader Prabhakaran to meet him personally to discuss a peace settlement . Prabhakaran so sure of himself with his most modern armed force, thought he was far stronger than the President Mahinda Rajapakse.

In reply to the President Mahinda Rajapakse's call for negotiations, Prabhakaran sent a –black tigress, a pregnant woman – a suicide bomb to assassinate the Commander of the Sri Lankan Armed Force Sarath Fonseka. She seriously wounded the Army Commander, but failed to kill him.

Despite this dastardly act, defying the call for peace, Mahinda Rajapakse who is not a hawkish President, as the foreign media likes to label him, renewed his call for a negotiated peace settlement. These are matters not taken into consideration either by the International Community, UN or the Western Media to evaluate the President's sincerity with regard to a dialogue with the enemy for a political solution leaving aside the military solution..

It was only when the terrorists despite this continued call for peace, closed the sluice gates of the water reservoir at Mavil Aru blocking the supply of water to farmers, that the President sent the army to have the sluice gates opened to allow the flow of water for the farmers for their cultivations. That was the beginning of the armed retaliations against the terrorist in retribution for their acts of terrorism.

From this, one could deduce the goodness of a peoples' President, who continuously sought to avoid moving the army against the terrorist to stop terrorism and cause untold misery to innocent civilians- old, and young men ,women, and children, caught between the fires of armed conflict, he was ready for a political solution to the ethnic problem from the day one of his election as the President of Sri Lanka.

Since, that army intervention at Mavil Aru, the government had tried to awaken the Giant Kumbhkarna-the elder brother, calling him to help Sri Lanka to find a way to stop terrorism and avoid violence.

Now the terrorists in Sri Lanka are on their way out, even though Sivaji Lingam in his trance before the mental image of Surya Deva Prabhakaran, is unable to see it. Prabhakaran is perhaps dead, or if ailing will not get up any more to see the setting up of his dreamland. It is Sivji Lingam and others who should wake up to reality. India has no further role to play in the fight against terrorism, let the Kumbakarna sleep again….. he has failed in his duty towards his neighbour-the younger brother.

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