

Tamil Civilians in Northern Sri Lanka Held Hostage by Tamil Terrorists

Ira de Silva Ontario, Canada

September 16,2008

Ms. Angela Kane & Other Representatives of the U.N.
United Nations
New York,N.Y.

Dear Madam:
Re: Tamils in Northern Sri Lanka Being Held Forcibly by the Tamil Tiger(LTTE) Terrorists

I am sure you must have been notified by the local U.N. representative in Sri Lanka, Mr. Gordon Weiss, that as the Sri Lankan security forces are closing in on the Tamil terrorist's stronghold of Killinochchi, the Tamil terrorists who "control" the local Tamil population by threat and force, are not permitting the civilian population to leave the area as they have been and will be used as human shields by the terrorists. The Tamil terrorists used this strategy last year and held the civilian Tamil population hostage as human shields in the east of Sri Lanka. As soon as the Sri Lankan forces established a corridor for them to leave the clutches of the Tamil terrorists they moved into the areas under the control of the government and today have even elected their own representatives to government after a lapse of twenty years. As you must be aware, even faced with extreme terrorism from the Tamil terrorists, the Liberation Tamils of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) it has been the government of Sri Lanka that has been and continues to provide food, health care, education, even payment for public service wages in areas temporarily controlled by the LTTE. As they did last year, the Sri Lankan government has set up the necessary infrastructure to handle the flow of civilians from LTTE control in the north. Now you must do your part.

The terrorist propaganda machine internationally has started a massive propaganda effort to save the Tamil terrorists. One way of doing that is to accuse the government of human rights violations, genocide etc. which they have done for the last 30 years. The so-called world community who are infiltrated by supporters of the Tamil terrorists, even at the U.N. have been prone to issue statements, usually against the Sri Lankan government, without any consideration or reference to the fact that it has been the Tamil terrorists who have always attacked civilians by suicide bombings, murdered Tamil leaders and anybody opposed to them. I say the U.N. because no Sri Lankan can forget that Kofi Annan, visiting the tsunami hit areas of Sri Lanka went out of his way and issued a statement of condolence on February 7, 2005 when a low level Tamil terrorist named Kausalyan was killed by a rival Tamil group. That the highest officer in the U.N. sympathized with a self confessed Tamil terrorist proved that even the U.N. is infiltrated and is supportive of Tamil terrorism.. Kofi Annan issued this statement even though his own U.N. agencies had reported for years that these Tamil terrorists forcibly recruited children and committed gross violations of human rights. The trust of the people of Sri Lanka in the U.N. was betrayed.

Given the current situation where the Tamil terrorists are repeating their actions of last year in the east of Sri Lanka, and the fact that you visited Sri Lanka earlier this year and asked that the past mistakes of the U.N. be forgotten and that you will ensure that Sri Lanka will be treated fairly, I call on you to instruct all U.N. agencies operating in Sri Lanka to assist the government and people of Sri Lanka to pressure the Tamil terrorists to release the civilian population. The U.N. needs to redeem itself in the eyes of Sri Lankans by acting to save the people from Tamil terrorists.

A number of the foreign funded INGO's and NGO's have provided comfort and support to the Tamil terrorists. They have provided materials and services as well as used their organizations to issue false statements. Please note that members of U.N. agencies in Sri Lanka have been prominent in this assistance to terrorists.The most notorious was Penny Bourne of UNICEF. She had so endeared herself to the Tamil terrorists that they called her "mother Penny". Just last month Norwegians People Aid, a Norwegian government funded NGO allowed the Tamil terrorists to take their vehicles and heavy equipment to build bunkers and give them transportation. The list of this type of "aid" to the LTTE by the INGO and NGO community is endless. Attached are two recent articles that spell out the role of the foreign funded NGO's including UN agencies and their assistance to Tamil terrorists.

Perhaps it is too much to request a statement from the U.N. condemning Tamil terrorism in Sri Lanka but the minimum that can be expected from the a statement asking the Tamil terrorists (LTTE) to let their people go to safety in the areas controlled by the Sri Lankan government.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
Ontario, Canada

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