

Blake, Agency France Press (AFP) and Reuters should be asked to 'go jump in the lake'

Ajit Randeniya, California

Various foreign agents including diplomats of the US, France and Germany and the so-called media personnel (belonging to the AFP and Reuters especially), and shadowy NGOs (too numerous to mention) seem to be finding the current successes of the Sri Lankan army against the psychopathic killer Prabhakaran irritating.

The US agent Blake has found the cornering of the Tigers so disturbing that he decided to go to Madras to 'add fuel to the fire' being lit by crackpots and opportunists like Vaiko and Karunanidhi. (The Sri Lankan media and the Foreign Ministry has not adequately looked in to this blatant act of sabotage by Blake). Daily reports about the war being filed by the wire merchants (like AFP) are 'loaded' with negativities and 'qualifying' remarks about the army claims of success. Obviously, they seem to be doubting army claims, based on the accepted western practice advocated by mass murderers like Winston Churchill that 'truth is the first casualty of war.

The AFP and the Rupert Murdoch owned global spy network Reuters are also attempting to paint various adverse 'scenarios' of the future, even if the war against the psychopath is won. The latest Reuters 'news' report is typical of the disingenous scenarios they seem to be creating to try and undermine the Sri Lankan effort to rid the country of the cancer of impoverishment caused by the LTTE terrorism.

Their first scenario is, that if Kilinichchi falls, there will be a 'brief ' boost to the Colombo Stock market and maybe some temporary appreciation of the rupee. According to Reuters, these benefits are going to be 'brief' because both tend to move on their own fundamentals and in no way can they be sustained 'after decades of war'. They rely on the IMF (another tentacle of the global domination network) 'warning' that Sri Lanka's economic growth could be at risk if the country doesn't cut spending, stop supporting the rupee and ease reliance on expensive foreign short-term debt. Enough said about the IMF 'advice'! Reuters also provide some useful military tips to the Tigers by speculating that the Tigers could 'come back hard'. Also, they are 'surprised' that the Tigers have not unleashed more suicide bombings and unconventional attacks in Colombo.

The first thing to note about this 'analysis' is that they should not come from Reuters and the AFP because their agents are in the country claiming they are 'media' personnel or journalists and this material is certainly not 'news'. They are opinions underlined by the wish that the government should not succeed. Such opinions come from all the 'players' who managed to brainwash the Sri Lankan governments and bureaucracy for more than 25 years, until the current government and the militay leadership took control, that the Tigers cannot be militarily defeated. Now that the army is about to prove them wrong, they are smarting! The actions of Blake (wolf in sheep's clothing) and the spies masquerading as so-called news service journalists are doing everything they can to undermine a possible final military success.

Blake should be held to account on the timing of his visit to Madras and what he said there. Such attempted sabotage is adequate grounds for declaring him 'persona-non-grata'. (Mr Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and Major General Fonseka can return their Green Cards because they will not need to emigrate if they finalise the war). Nor should the system be deceived by Blake's renowned 'charm' which is a common trait of trained American (and other western) spies.

The media status of the Reuters agents need to be reviewed because they are clearly not reporting news, but are passing on counterattack suggestions to the Tigers.

The expression 'go jump in the lake' in the US indicates unhappiness with some one's actions or intentions.The time has come for the Sri Lankan people and the government to not to fall prey to the designs of these evil people and ask them to 'go jump in the lake'..

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