


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

The Wanni terrorists are running for their lives all over in the North, Northwest, and in the East of Sri Lanka and day by day the terrorist leaders are quitting and abandoning their troops. Hundreds of the terrorists who were forced to serve for the barbaric terrorist organization and the volunteers are surrendering to the government forces. Today the world sees the true picture and the real strength of the Wanni terrorists who were exaggeratedly and disproportionately exhibiting their power, merely due to Ranil and his government's help and the bogus propaganda by the Tamil Diasporas who had successfully bought many political leaders around the world.

Karunanidhi of Tamil Nadu has expressed his willingness to quit in the name of the Tamils of Sri Lanka, where he knows that the terrorists are badly beaten now. It is a fact that he knows in his heart that the Sri Lankan forces are not fighting with the Tamils but with the terrorists who are known as the most brutal in the world.

The Sri Lankan forces have a clear mission to free the innocent Tamils from the grasp of the barbaric terrorists.

In such a crucial moment, it is quite a surprise to see Ranil, Mangala, Vajira and few others have become infamous traitors of Sri Lanka. Their heinous mission of condemning the war against the terrorists has become a talking point of many Sri Lankans today. The intelligent agencies shall see how much these traitors have been bribed by the Wanni terrorists and what they have been promised under the table.

When the Sri Lankan brave servicemen and women are sacrificing their lives to safeguard the country, these dirty politicians are playing all the tricks and wasting their time by trying to tarnish the brave forces of Sri Lanka in vain.

Today it has become a proud thing to claim that you are either a Sri Lankan or got roots from Sri Lanka. This is especially because of our brave forces and the security personnel for their great achievements. We are truly indebted to the great and noble sacrifices that our forces are doing in every second in everyday to safeguard the country from the terrorists. The Western countries are closely watching the progress in the Sri Lankan battle field and most of the senior officers of their forces have already commended the Sri Lankan forces for the victories thus far.

These victorious achievements shall never be seen in any political or racial points of views but as true victories against the global war in terrorism. It will not be a victory by any political party of Sri Lanka or by a race called Sinhalese but a victory in the name of the whole mankind.
The excellent discipline which the Sri Lankan forces are exhibiting today has become symbolic to the other countries.

We salute His Excellency the President of Sri Lanka who is the Commander of the Security Forces, the Secretary of the Defense, Commanders of the Army, Navy and Air Force, and all the brave men and women in Sri Lankan security forces for the great achievements we have seen so far. Also all peace loving Sri Lankan citizens who extend their unwavering support to the forces are also thankfully remembered. Every move they make to clear the country from the terrorists shall be written in the History book of Sri Lanka in Golden Letters.

Within a short time, the disgraceful names of Ranil, Mangala and all other traitors shall be flushed away and a dawn of a new and free Sri Lanka shall be celebrated by all peace loving Sri Lankans comprising, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and others as One Nation.

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