

Terror sympathizers contest under UNP list for Eastern Poll


Sri Lanka's main opposition, the United National Party (UNP) has included two hardcore LTTE sympathizers on its list of candidates for the coming Provincial Council Election in the Eastern Province. As learns through its reliable sources in the East, these two persons had earlier contested the last local government poll in March 2006 on the list of LTTE proxy the Ilangai Tamil Arasu Kachchi (ITAK) or Tamil National Alliance (TNA).

According to the sources one of these candidates is a lawyer by profession tasked by the LTTE terrorists to represent its members in courts when prosecuted by law enforcement authorities. The other is a retired government servant who has been a strong supporter of LTTE terror activities in the east, whilst unashamedly feeding oneself through public funds. The LTTE is known to have included these puppets on the UNP list under the aegis of a TNA legislator who coordinates the nexus between the LTTE and the UNP. further learns that the UNP and TNA expect to champion the tribal ideologies of LTTE in their election campaign, against the pluralistic policies of the government. Strangely, the TNA that has publicly declared it would boycott the Eastern poll, complaining it would not be free and fair, is promoting the candidature of its very close activists on the UNP ticket. A senior political observer told that the TNA is just trying to take the people in the East for a ride by presenting strong LTTE sympathizers under the UNP facade.

"The TNA boycotts the election because they have no support base and no chance of winning without the terrorist's cover. They just want to hide this reality by talking through the hat that the poll is not going to be free and fair", he said.

"Yet, it has not failed in its duty to LTTE, by at least trying to appoint LTTE puppets to the Provincial Council in the east with the help of its close ally the UNP", he further said.

The government's effort to restore democracy in the Eastern Province has greatly perturbed anti-Sri Lankan forces, including those pretending to be the champions of human rights, democracy, pluralism etc. The usual doomsday prophets on the payroll of these vicious forces are currently engaged in a feverish campaign to portend violence, bloodshed, corruption, etc in the coming election.

However, many of these testy "Watch Dogs" or "Defenders" of democracy, as they often call themselves, were downcast when people did not pay heed to their campaigns to smear the recent local government polls in the Batticaloa District and participated in the poll in large numbers. The election was commended by many independent observers, both local and foreign, as one of the most peaceful and fair elections ever conducted in Sri Lanka.

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