

What's the point in the actors' fasting strike?

By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Vanderwert Place, Dehiwela.

It is nice to see all the actors and actresses of India fasting for a day for whatever they think is right. But actually do these fasts serve a purpose?
Not really. These well fed people did not loose anything by "fasting" for one single day or in reality, a part of the day. All what was acquired was a holiday for themselves and a lot of publicity for their action. How did this help the poor civilians? At least if they had taken the trouble to com e to Srilanka and held the strike in the wanni then the refugees would have had a little relief from their troubles, and would have had the luxury of entertainment by their favourite idols!

Jokes aside, if they really wanted to help the Tamil civilians who are the subject of the strike, they could have done a much better service by donating their one film's earnings 96 or at least one day's earning. I am sure this could have settled all the present problems of the refugees 96 like their food, lodging and travelling to safety.

It has been highly commended that Kamalahasen asked his fans not to celebrate his birthday 96 why could not he, the sensible actor, think of asking his fans to donate the money they would have spent on Thamashas on his birthday, to the relief of the Tamil refugees?

Protests must be carried out only if they are going to have an impact. If not they are just eyewashes. People see through them easily.

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