


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

Many Happy Returns of the Day Dear President! On this special day let us wish you Long Live and may all your great and noble dreams come true!

The whole world is closely watching you and admires your braveness. You are the saviour of Sri Lanka and the whole world is gratitude to you for your initiation of eradication of terrorism from Sri Lanka which will be the first ever giant victory in the World War in Terrorism.

Our Sri Lankan brave forces were desperate for a true leadership to liberate the country from the miserable terrorists who were terrorizing the whole nation. Then you came and shouldered the great responsibility of liberating the country by assuming the courageous role of the Commander of the Armed Forces in Sri Lanka.

Every soldier is aware that you are there for him or her like a brother, a father and a great friend. That gives them the confidence and the high morality.

Dear Mr. President, now is the time to change the whole political infrastructure of Sri Lanka. Please take this valuable opportunity of war victories to change the constitution by an election to pave the way for a permanent freedom to the country. Eliminate the unnecessary local government systems and get rid of wasteful ministries which suck the revenues. Reduce the number of ministries and appoint only efficient, honest and trustworthy persons as ministers.

Make the country Sri Lanka a small beautiful garden once again where the tourism will also be flourished. May Sri Lanka the Paradise of the world shine once again!

It is high time to keep only patriotic people in your cabinet, not somebody who would threaten to vote against for budget if certain posts or portfolios are not given.

In the meantime, please execute the Law and Order to its maximum where each and every fair citizen can enjoy the true freedom in the country.

Thank you once again for your marvelous dedication to clean up the country. May all Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers and other Sri Lankans come together as one great nation and demonstrate the power of unity to the world tomorrow.

You have reserved the spot next to the Great D.S.Senanayake in the history of Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankans love you gracefully irrespective of their individual political policies.
Well done Mr. President! Keep it up!

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