

News distorted by Daily Mirror Saturday, April 19, 2008 .
Canadian opposition says FM failed on Lankan issue. Daily Mirror Saturday, April 19, 2008

Noor Nizam. Sri Lanka Peace
Activist Communication Scientist and Lecturer in Communication Studies. Canada

Canadian Opposition MP's called for the resignation of foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier as he failed to take a leadership role in efforts to end conflicts in Dafur, Sri Lanka and the Middle east. (This news is distorted news published)

The actual news was: The main news was about a statement made by Hon.Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier during a visit to Afghanistan over the week.

The news was concerning suggestions made to remove the Kandahar Governor Assadullah Khalid on corruption charges.

The statement made by Hon. Bob Rae the newly elected Liberal in a by election in Toronto, referred to Sri Lanka is quoted below: "He said that under Bernier the Canadian government is falling short on issues such as taking a leadership role in efforts to end conflicts in Darfur, Sri Lanka and the Middle East and outlaw cluster bombs".

The full news can be read on The Liberals have NOT called for the resignation of Hon.Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier on the Sri Lankan issue as falsely stated by the Editor Daily Mirror.

The Liberals and Hon. Bob Rae has called for the Canadian FM to resign on Bernier's remark made to President Hamid Karzai that he should replace Kandahar Governor Assadullah Khalid due to corruption charges.

The Daily Mirror has to learn to set/follow good example of Journalistic ethics when it comes to authentic news publication and not stoop down to make false news locally and internationally. .

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