


Shripal Nishshanka Fernando

At last there is somebody that we can be proud of from this great party. United National Party, the Grand Old Party of Sri Lanka was recently hijacked by Ranil Wickramasinghe and his pro-terrorist gang. The henchmen around him are just for the sake of power and they are traitors by the definition and by the true meaning of the word.

Thank you Mr. Rukman Senanayake, thank you so much! Beside Mr. Karu Jayasuriya and pro Sri Lankan UNPiers who support the President Rajapaksha, your recent comments about Sri Lankan situation are very needed and helpful to the country and also to UNP for its existence.

Now we know that at least there are people in UNP who possess back bones and who carry personalities. What we could hear so far were some dirty politicians who did not know a mere theory of decent and honourable politics, just praise a dangerous pro-terrorist named Ranil Wickramasinghe. Obviously the people were wondering what happened to the people like Rukman and true UNPiers. There you came in the very right time Mr. Senanayake. Go ahead and do your honourable duty Mr. Chairman President of UNP. We are extremely proud of you.

Please do not stop from there Mr. Senanayake. Initiate the clean up of the party. Please get of rid of this Ranil the joker and his supporters. Strengthen the President Rajapaksha on his noble task of eradicating the terrorism as a real opposition leader. That is how the country Sri Lanka should march towards the victory.

We shall come over the menace of terrorism and then we shall implement the bold strategies of economical prosperity of our country with the help of all Sri Lankans and the rest of the world. The pity partisan with dirty politics should be scratched off from Sri Lanka. The other politicians of UNP should also learn the motto "Country First".

Hope you will have the courage and the support of everybody to join hands with the President Rajapaksha in this crucial time. No doubt that you will also be a great President of our beautiful country Sri Lanka one day.

Good job Mr. Rukman Senanayake!

Let our brave forces and security personnel be aware that in UNP, there exist not only just anti Sri Lankans like Ranil, Jayalath, Tissa and clowns, but also great patriotic UNPiers who support them like Rukman Senanayake.

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