

An Open Letter to Mr. Karunanidhi

Jay Deshabandu

Dear Mr. Karunanidhi

You have expressed concern and the love for the plight of the Sri Lankan Tamils trapped in the Wanni of Sri Lanka. What about the rest of the people in other parts of Sri lanka whose lives are in constant danger due to bombs and suicide bombers of LTTE? I was wondering why is it so difficult for you to ask the terrorist Prabhakaran, the most dangerous terrorist, the wanted criminal in many countries, to either lay down the arms and come into peaceful negotiations or let the Wanni Tamils go to safer areas so that they can be given best care by the government of Sri Lanka? This seems to be the most practical and easy solution in removing the hardships faced by all people in Sri Lanka.

You seem to be blind to this very practical solution.

In any case, people of Sri Lanka in other parts of the country is no more safer than the people in the Wanni due to terrorist activities of the Prabhakaran who do not mind shooting innocent people at random, killing village people and using suicide bombers at civilians.Sri Lankan government has a zero civilian casuality strategy in condcuting its own affairs of combatting terrorism and in bringing fthe reedom for its all citizens.

If Prabhakaran, other terrorists’ supporters want to have a separate country out of our island as a home land, what is Tamil Nadu which is much larger than our whole island? It seems like you want the part of Sri Lanka to become the nucleus of a dream country specially designed for a mono ethnic race-the Tamils! Please know that we are now in the year 20008, where everyone is concerned about the global issues rather than personal issues. You are also the part of the problem and not part of the solution! You should worry about your own problems in your backyard, such as energy prices in Tamil Nadu! Be a friend to people of all Sri Lanka!

If in case there is a military intervention by the Indian military as you wanted, Sri Lankan government is expected to protect its all citizen, by all means including the right to request support from Pakistan, China and other friendly countries who are against terrorism!

Sincerely yours,

Jay Deshabandu


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